‘Big Brother’ producers were forced to intervene when a huge row erupted in last night’s (30 June) show.
It won’t take Sherlock Holmes to work out that the argument was centred around alcohol, and first broke out when Sam Giffen decided to use some of the group’s booze supply to make a “punch bowl” for the house.
As the night wore on and more alcohol was consumed, it emerged that some housemates hadn’t been as thrilled with the “punch bowl” idea as they’d initially let on, and when Sam asked Ryan Ruckledge whether he had a problem, a huge fight ensued.

Sticking up for his new boyfriend, a slightly worse for wear Hughie Maughan also involved himself in the row while, confusingly, telling off the rest of the group for involving themselves in it.
A lot of shouting predictably ensued, and Big Brother eventually intervened, calling Hughie to the Diary Room to take him out of the volatile situation, where he was escorted by Evelyn Ellis and Jackson Blyton.
This was the second big row of the night, with former couple Charlie Doherty and Jason Burrill hurling accusations of cheating and animal abuse at one another in a fiery exchange between the two of them.
See the aftermath of Hughie’s outburst in Friday’s (1 July) ‘Big Brother’, which will also feature the third eviction of the series.
Either Andy Hill, Evelyn Ellis, Georgina Cantwell or Jayne Connery will get the boot, following the latest round of nominations earlier this week.
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