Billie Faiers And Sister Sam Faiers Share Adorable New Photos Of Four-Week-Old Baby Arthur

What a cutie ๐Ÿ˜

Billie Faiers gave birth to her second child four weeks ago, and now sheโ€™s finally showing fans how adorable he is.

The 27-year-old, who is also mum to two-year-old Nelly with her fiancรฉ Greg Shepherd, shared a precious snap of her daughter planting a kiss on Arthur.

Itโ€™s the first photo she has shared on social media showing the four-week-oldโ€™s face.

โ€œMy beautiful little darlings Nelly and Arthur,โ€ she captioned the shot. โ€œI feel like the luckiest mummy in the world.โ€

Faiersโ€™ sister Sam, who is mum to 16-month-old Paul, also shared the first snap of herself cuddling baby Arthur on her own Instagram.

โ€œMy baby nephew Arthur,โ€ she wrote on the photo. โ€œI love you so much you perfect little darling... so excited to go on holiday with you soon.โ€

The photo showed her laying her head next to Arthurโ€™s face. Cute.

Billie Faiers recently opened up to share how her sister Sam helped her with breastfeeding since the birth of her second child.

She said she didnโ€™t breastfeed Nelly as it was something she really struggled with.

โ€œSam helped me [this time],โ€ she told OK! Magazine. โ€œArthur needed feeding almost straight away and and Samantha helped me to get him to latch on.

โ€œWith Nelly I had no idea what I was doing, but Samantha is a breastfeeding guru now so sheโ€™s been giving me lots of tips.โ€
