BNP Denies Sending Leaflets Criticising Jo Cox And Muslims

The anti-Muslim leaflets appeared near the town where the MP was killed.

The British National Party (BNP) has been forced to deny that it sent out anti-Muslim leaflets which attacked murdered MP Jo Cox.

The leaflets were sent to people in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, just four miles from Birstall, where Cox was fatally attacked, according to the Metro.

The leaflets expressed sadness at Cox's killing (albeit spelling her name Joe) but accused her of "misguided actions", asking "How many Muslims that Joe Cox helped get into this country will join ISIS at a later date".

The leaflets read:

We are very sorry at the death of Joe Cox [sic]. May she rest in peace.

We must however draw your attention to the misguided actions she took. As follows.

How many Muslims that Joe Cox helped get into this country will join ISIS at a later date.

How many will get involved in terrorism.

How many will make and explode bombs in this country.

How many will attack and kill Christians and Jews simply because they are non-Muslims.

The BNP went on to deny that they had anything to do with the leaflets.

Trashy media outlets line up to blame #BNP for faked leaflet – no wonder Brits have no confidence in the media

— BritishNationalParty (@bnp) June 29, 2016

In a statement on its website, the BNP said: "The media and MPs are openly attributing these leaflets to the BNP claiming that we delivered them.

"The British National Party did NOT produce or deliver any such leaflet.

"The BNP have notified the police insisting on a serious investigation using fingerprint and DNA technology to identify the perpetrators of this vicious act.

"Although I understand that this incident has and is understandably causing alarm, anger and distress it is also vital for the facts to be known before this unacceptable act is wrongly blamed on the British National Party."

Jo Cox was killed in Birstall earlier this month
Jo Cox was killed in Birstall earlier this month
Yui Mok/PA Wire

Cox, the Labour MP for Batley and Spen, was shot and killed earlier this month.

The attack came on the steps of the town library just before 1pm, where the 41-year-old mother-of-two had been holding a surgery with her constituents.

Cox, who was elected to the Commons last year, was rushed to Leeds Infirmary hospital by air ambulance.

52-year-old Tommy Mair will stand trial for her murder in November.


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