Boris Johnson's '102 MPs' Claim Is Bringing Out Twitter's Finest Comedians

"I had the backing of 100 MPs, honestly, but the dog ate them."
Boris Johnson took himself out of the running to be the next PM on Sunday
Boris Johnson took himself out of the running to be the next PM on Sunday
Aaron Chown via PA Wire/PA Images

Boris Johnson unexpectedly withdrew from the Conservative Party leadership contest on Sunday, despite claiming to have enough MPs supporting him.

The former PM, who was ousted from office in July but carried on as caretaker until September 6, even flew back from his holiday early once Liz Truss resigned.

But in a statement, he said: “I have been overwhelmed by the number of people who suggested that I should once again contest the Conservative Party leadership.”

He claimed he was “uniquely placed to avert a general election now” having secured the 2019 Tory landslide.

Johnson also alleged he is “well placed to deliver a Conservative victory in 2024”.

He continued: “I can confirm that I have cleared the very high hurdle of 102 nominations, including a proposer and a seconder, and I could put my nomination in tomorrow.”

The rules of the contest mean any nominee has to reach 100 nominations from fellow MPs before 2pm on Monday. If more than one person reaches this threshold, there will be a vote between Tory MPs that afternoon.

If no-one withdraws after that, the vote goes to the Tory Party members, who chose not to back Sunak in the summer (even though he was the frontrunner among MPs) and went with Liz Truss instead.

However, Johnson ruled himself out even before this stage could begin, saying: “I have sadly come to the conclusion that this would simply not be the right thing to do” due to the splits in the Tory Party.

But, it’s safe to say, not many people believed Johnson did actually reach that 100-nominations threshold.

According to the BBC’s tally, Johnson only had 58 MPs publicly declaring they were backing him before he pulled out. MPs have no obligation to announce who they were supporting, but this did raise eyebrows considering Johnson claimed to have almost twice as many as that.

And others pointed out that if it seems unlikely he would pull out of the race to be the next PM if he actually had a fighting chance of getting through the first round.

Here are some of the best responses to his claim.

I do so have 102 backers, you just don’t know them, they go to a different school.

— Rachel Parris (@rachelparris) October 23, 2022

Did the 100 MPs even ever exist?

— Mike Galsworthy (@mikegalsworthy) October 23, 2022

Nothing says “I’ve changed” like saying you’ve got 100 MPs supporting you when you don’t.

— Kevin Schofield (@KevinASchofield) October 22, 2022

I had the backing of 100 MPs, honestly, but the dog ate them.

— Rosie Jones (@josierones) October 24, 2022

The 100 MPs backing Boris Johnson have lost their minds, including the ones that are imaginary

— James Felton (@JimMFelton) October 22, 2022

So, those 100 MPs were, as usual, a lie. Finishes as he starts, with a lie.

— Prof Paul Bernal (@PaulbernalUK) October 23, 2022

In shock news, a man who talked about 350 million pounds a week, 40 new hospitals, 50,000 more nurses, 20,000 more police & 0 parties in Downing Street may not be telling the truth about 100 MPs backing him.

— James Withers (@JamesRWithers) October 23, 2022

Out in Westminster having the time of my life with my 100 supporter MPs. They're all just out of frame, laughing too.

— Phillip Dyte (@phillipdyte) October 23, 2022

I got all six numbers on the national lottery last night, but I don't feel like it's the right time to win all that money, so I have ripped up my ticket

— Jane Merrick (@janemerrick23) October 23, 2022

Boris Johnson and his “102 MPs”

— Nadine Batchelor-Hunt (@nadinebh_) October 23, 2022

I see Boris has finally learned how to pull out in time. Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks after all?

— Jack Monroe (@BootstrapCook) October 23, 2022

Boris Johnson is out. Those 100 MPs who were definitely, absolutely, positively backing him will be devastated.

— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) October 23, 2022

Conservative MP Christopher Chope tells #r4today that Boris Johnson definitely did have 100 nominations because "otherwise there wouldn't have been the article by Nadhim Zahawi, which was going to be in today's papers, promoting Boris's chances."

Here's that article in full.

— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) October 24, 2022

As we watch shameless Boris Johnson backing MPs suddenly switch to Rishi Sunak, I'm reminded that Argentina only declared war on Nazi Germany... on March 25th 1945.

— Otto English (@Otto_English) October 24, 2022

First time in his life he’s pulled out in time.

— James Oh Brien (@mrjamesob) October 23, 2022

Thoughts and prayers to all the MPs, client journos and bin chasers insisting yesterday he had 100. Thoughts and prayers. Here’s your arse, put it on a plate.

— Emma Kennedy💙 (@EmmaKennedy) October 23, 2022

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