Boris Johnson Is Photographed In A Call Centre And Another Election Meme Is Born

But heath secretary Matt Hancock's 'dockyard cop' could be better still.

Boris Johnson and members of his Cabinet hit the phones in a pre-election photo call on Sunday - and it was too much to resist on social media as a meme was born.

The prime minister was pictured by PA Media with Sajid Javid, Dominic Raab, Michael Gove and Theresa Villiers at the Conservative campaign headquarters’ call centre just days before the country goes to the polls.

It didn’t go entirely to plan as Johnson appeared to need the help of his chancellor to get the phone to work.

The PM spent a couple of minutes appearing to work out how to use the system, before Javid handed him his own headset.

But that was a minor hiccup, and as the images were shared online the scene was more reminiscent of Airplane! meets The Office.

“You were involved in a referendum that wasn’t your fault, is that right?”

— Michael Moran (@TheMichaelMoran) December 8, 2019

The air traffic control room of your nightmares.

— Simon Blackwell (@simonblackwell) December 8, 2019

— Enough Of That Now (@AndyGilder) December 8, 2019

Please let a call centre be their future

— James Doleman (@jamesdoleman) December 8, 2019

“I think, you know, what everyone here in this call centre and, I’m sure in your own home and, indeed, homes across this great country of ours want is for us to say “Look: here’s an oven-ready deal for sports, movies and, and, and, you know, evening calls and let’s get it done.”

— Scott Innes (@Flying_Inside) December 8, 2019

A second much-shared image was more ... biological.

“Just one more push, and your baby will soon be out Mrs Smith”

— Mo' (@mocent0) December 8, 2019

*Record scratch*

*Freeze frame*

Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.

— General Boles (@GeneralBoles) December 8, 2019

Elsewhere, health secretary Matt Hancock was in pensive mood, and seemed to be channeling the energy of a wandering troubadour ...

Oh mate @MattHancock someone’s hacked your account to turn you into a figure of total ridicule. Change your password ASAP!

— Jonathan Ashworth (@JonAshworth) December 8, 2019

Matt Hancock is DI Dirk Mop in ITV's new drama Dock Cop about a cop who solves crimes if they happen on or near docks

— joe (@mutablejoe) December 8, 2019

Fixed it.

— Balcony Shirts (@balconyshirts) December 8, 2019

after the break up of probable cause, matt hancock announces his solo debut “the ferryman’s lament”.

— euan mccolm (@euanmccolm) December 8, 2019

Arriving at the pub vs waking up the next morning

— Daragh (@QDaragh) December 8, 2019

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