‘Candid’ Pic Of Boris Johnson Cosying Up With Carrie Symonds Is Too Convenient For Some...


It’s the row that dominated the weekend – and could have changed the direction of the race to be the next prime minister.

On Friday evening the Guardian broke the news that a loud row had been recorded at the house of Boris Johnson’s partner after “screaming, shouting and banging” between the couple was heard by a neighbour.

While domestic abuse charity SafeLives said people should always call the police if they are worried about their neighbours, a number of Tory MPs supporting Johnson in the leadership race accused the neighbour of intruding on the Tory MP’s privacy.

But Johnson’s supporters seemed less worried about the privacy issues around a picture of him and Symonds having a cosy chat in the countryside, allegedly taken this weekend, that was passed to the press on Monday.

The photo – which was published seemingly without credit – was splashed on the front page of the Evening Standard, which has backed Johnson in the race to replace Theresa May as PM.

“The images taken in the Sussex countryside showed the couple looking relaxed and happy,” the article read.

Today’s @EveningStandard as a picture of the happy couple emerges pic.twitter.com/Yjxa99Ng9B

— George Osborne (@George_Osborne) June 24, 2019

But the image came after days of controversy over the row recording, in which Johnson’s supporters and colleagues denounced what they alleged was an invasion of privacy.

“The very prospect of someone taping someone in their private home quite frankly tells me that that is politically motivated and that is not the type of behaviour you would expect in out country,” said Tory MP Priti Patel on Monday.

“That’s the kind of behaviour associated with the old eastern bloc.”

Meanwhile, Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg slammed “Corbynista curtain twitchers” over the row.

“I think it’s absolutely dreadful,” he told LBC radio. “I think the idea that snooping neighbours are recording what is going on for political advantage and then Class War protesters are coming to politicians’ front doors – which happened to me as well – is not a good place for politics to be.”

Coming after a particularly toxic few days of the leadership contest, the supposedly candid countryside picture prompted some people to point out the hypocrisy of the image.

Some on Twitter were *seriously* worried about this invasion of Johnson’s privacy...

Boris Johnson must be absolutely furious at this invasion of privacy. https://t.co/wsKMPHdHG9

— Owen Bennett (@owenjbennett) June 24, 2019

I think we need to know the politics of the photographer who took this secret pic and handed it secretly to the newspaper. I imagine that’ll be fairly easy for the Standard to uncover. https://t.co/Yzd5lkciRu

— David Baddiel (@Baddiel) June 24, 2019

It’s very upsetting that Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds’s privacy has been invaded once again. This time by a photographer who appears to have been hiding in exactly the right bush to capture a picture of them holding hands to demonstrate their love

— Janine Gibson (@janinegibson) June 24, 2019

Sending out your proxies to complain about the invasion of your privacy and then arranging for a photographer to take an "unposed" picture of you does seem a bit inconsistent. https://t.co/eW2myzQKFV

— Kevin Schofield (@PolhomeEditor) June 24, 2019

Evening Standard splash: Boris Johnson showing the public a picture of his private life, having spent the weekend saying he wants it to remain private, to show the public that his private life, which is no business of the public, is fine, though still private. I hope that’s clear pic.twitter.com/OGvL9RcdR0

— Stewart Wood (@StewartWood) June 24, 2019

Others were more interested in the comedic value of the photo...

as a hayfever sufferer, this displays such privilege pic.twitter.com/VJnlTwzM84

— David Wyllie (@journodave) June 24, 2019

People are being unfairly cynical about this photo which, above all else, is just a heartwarming story about a girl who falls in love with a scarecrow and turns him into a real boy. pic.twitter.com/v7kdtxiwcu

— Tom Peck (@tompeck) June 24, 2019

WE MISS YOU SO MUCH 😭🚶♂️ #RoryWalksOn #WheresRory pic.twitter.com/93FbeBOfFk

— General Boles (@GeneralBoles) June 24, 2019

everything's fine.

I said...EVERYTHING. IS. FINE. pic.twitter.com/dXzydmeF4z

— Declan Cashin (@Tweet_Dec) June 24, 2019

looks like a shit duke of edinburgh bronze trip pic.twitter.com/OPWH3OSuwV

— Hannah Jane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) June 24, 2019

The photo emerged on the same day Sky News revealed it may have to cancel its head-to-head Tory leadership debate because Johnson had “so far declined” to take part.

“We stand ready to host a debate tomorrow evening if both candidates make themselves available,” it said. “Without both candidates, tomorrow’s debate will not take place,” the broadcaster said in a statement.

The former London mayor has agreed to take part in a one-on-one debate with foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt – who is also in the running to enter Number 10 – but this is set to place after Tory members have received their ballot papers, meaning many will have already voted.


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