Boris Johnson Calls For Trump-Style Income Tax Cuts In His Latest Attention-Grabbing Move

Johnson is dominating headlines (again).
Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images

Boris Johnson is calling for the government to follow Donald Trump’s lead and reduce taxes rather than raise them, in his latest newspaper column.

In his latest salvo, the former foreign secretary says that while “it is not fashionable to point this out”, the UK could do with looking across the pond for some tips on how to “show a post-Brexit Britain will be a happy and dynamic economy that fosters enterprise, that rewards the strivers and the innovators, and where people can hope to take home more of their pay to their families”.

“Instead of canvassing tax rises, we should say that tax henceforward will not go up. That’s it,” he writes in The Telegraph (£). “No new taxes and no increase in rates. We should be lifting thresholds, so that people on modest incomes are not caught by fiscal drag, like so many in the South East.”

Johnson specifies that income tax, capital gains and stamp duty should be reduced.

Last year, Trump signed off on a major overhaul of the US tax system which will see $1.5trillion (£1.1tn) in cuts for workers.

Early estimates indicated that 80% of households in the US would see their tax bill reduced as a result of the bill.

Johnson’s column is leading Monday’s edition of the paper, just one day after he dominated headlines for using a “suicide vest” metaphor to criticise Theresa May’s Brexit plans.

Rumours that he is planning a move for the Conservative leadership position are rife, but Johnson’s comments over the weekend may cause problems.

His choice of words were not well-received and Johnson’s fellow Tory MP Alan Duncan declared it “one of the most disgusting moments in British politics”.

“I’m sorry, but this is the political end of Boris Johnson,” he wrote on Twitter. “If it isn’t now, I will make sure it is later.”

For Boris to say that the PM’s view is like that of a suicide bomber is too much. This marks one of the most disgusting moments in modern British politics. I’m sorry, but this is the political end of Boris Johnson. If it isn’t now, I will make sure it is later. #neverfittogovern

— Sir Alan Duncan MP (@AlanDuncanMP) September 8, 2018

On Monday morning, the Daily Mail claimed 12 senior Tory MPs have said they will refuse to serve in government if Johnson becomes Tory leader.

An unnamed MP was quoted as telling the paper: “Boris will never be prime minister – he would split the party.

“There are a large number of us determined to make sure he does not get onto the ballot paper whenever the leadership contest takes place.

“If he did somehow manage to win then there are many of us – well into double figures – who would resign the party whip. He would lose the Government’s majority. He could not govern.”

Trade minister George Hollingbery in the Radio 4 studio for Sunday night’s episode of The Westminster Hour, as today’s Boris-dominated front pages began to roll in.

Admitting his frustration, he said: “The world’s about a lot more than Boris,” he complained. “There are some very important issues, and I wish we could get back to talking about them and not about him.”

It’s not just Johnson’s politics that have seen him hit headlines in the past week either. Last Friday, news of his separation from wife of 25 years Marina Wheeler broke, amid fresh allegations that the MP had been unfaithful.


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