The Sun's Boris Johnson Front Page Today Is The Stuff Of Nightmares

"Is it possible for a country to die of embarrassment?"

Boris Johnson becoming prime minister was the biggest story of the week. Well, it would have been – if that country hadn’t also been frying alive in an infernal heatwave.

So the question facing newspaper editors on Thursday – after the hottest July day in history had been recorded – was whether to devote their front pages to Johnson’s first day in power, or the sweltering weather?

While The Daily Mirror and The Daily Mail focused on the heat – shouting ‘BOILING POINT’ and ‘COOL IT’, the editors at The Sun decided to try and shoe horn the two together.

The result is a terrifying amalgamation of Boris Johnson’s grinning face and a picture of the sun – a decidedly unnerving image resembling a scene from the hit children’s show, The Teletubbies.

The image quickly spread like wildfire on social media – with the main reaction appearing to be intense embarrassment.


Is it possible for a country to die of embarrassment?

— tom jamieson (@jamiesont) July 26, 2019

I genuinely think that the official newspaper of a dictatorship would have been too embarrassed to print this

— Owen Jones🌹 (@OwenJones84) July 25, 2019

Some people were in denial, refusing to believe the front page was real

This is a actual, real, existing, for sale newspaper? 😲

— ElPasA (@ElPasYou2) July 26, 2019

Oh my God. Please tell me this is not real. It's just a nightmare, right? Right?

— Single Mum Speaks (@singlemumspeaks) July 26, 2019

Others pointed to the similarity with the Teletubbies

They even want to ruin Teletubbies.

— David Lammy (@DavidLammy) July 26, 2019

Feck me the teletubby baby has let himself go.

— The Dude (@Broadway69The) July 26, 2019

Good morning UK....... #BorisJohnsonPM

— Nick Lewis (@beatnik3d) July 24, 2019

Others found the whole thing really depressing

Just when we reached a new low, we’ve proved there are even lower levels sadly

— AuthenticGayBlog#CEP (@authenticgayblg) July 26, 2019

While I know this will haunt me for the rest of my days, I take solace in the fact that it will end at some point.

— Wolfy (@robwolfenden) July 26, 2019

And others were just really, really scared

Well today's front page of the Sun is fucking terrifying

— Imogen Tew (@imogent_) July 26, 2019


Avoid the front page of The Sun today. It's the stuff of nightmares!

— Barberry (@Telibarb) July 26, 2019

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