Boris Johnson To Tell EU That His 'Very Good', 'Great', 'Wonderful' Deal Didn't Make Sense

PM is expected to call his own withdrawal agreement "contradictory" as the UK eyes more power over trade and state aid in Northern Ireland.

Boris Johnson will reportedly tell EU leaders on Tuesday that the Brexit deal made last year is “contradictory” and doesn’t make sense.

The PM is likely to stop short of directly criticising the person who made that deal with the EU because that person was.... Boris Johnson himself.

And it doesn’t take much effort to find evidence of Boris Johnson himself heaping praise on the EU withdrawal agreement, which at the time he described as “very good”, “wonderful”, “fantastic” and a whole host of other superlatives.

There are so many, someone put them all together in a little video for your viewing pleasure.

Just a 2:07 super cut of Boris Johnson saying how absolutely fantastic the withdrawal agreement is.

— James Ball (@jamesrbuk) September 8, 2020

It comes as the UK eyes more power over trade and state aid in Northern Ireland.

The government has claimed these new powers, set out in its Internal Market Bill, are merely providing “minor clarifications” to the withdrawal agreement – that’s the one Johnson described as “fantastic” – but the EU may not see it that way, and Britain has been accused of jeopardising the WA altogether.

Johnson is expected to set out his stall when Michel Barnier arrives in the UK for the latest round of trade talks.

He claims the legal difficulties the UK is now trying to resolve over Northern Ireland could not have been foreseen last year when the deal was negotiated.

His flip-flopping has not gone unnoticed.

"Wait, wait... and then he said... 'the Brexit deal never made sense'..."

— Matthias Eberl 🇪🇺 (@eberlmat) September 7, 2020

Boris Johnson resigned in protest against May’s deal he signed up to, negotiated basically the same deal as May and won an election based on the deal (which he now says never made sense) being absolutely fan-fucking-fantastic, but remember we all knew what we were voting for.

— James Felton (@JimMFelton) September 7, 2020

I was looking back on that extraordinary late night press conf in Brussels back in Oct 17 2019 after PM has signed Brexit deal with EU.

At time PM said it was “a great deal for our country”

DUP said it couldn’t support. Said PM “was far too eager to get for deal at any cost”

— Beth Rigby (@BethRigby) September 8, 2020

— Graeme Demianyk (@GraemeDemianyk) September 7, 2020

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