Boston Dynamics’ collection of robots seem to only exist for one purpose: to terrify humanity.
Well in keeping with this tradition the robotics company has released yet another video showing the new and improved capabilities of SpotMini, its cute-but-definitely-still-scary robot dog.
In the video, a standard SpotMini approaches a door and sees that it is shut. Rather than simply walking away however, it moves back making way for a new-and-improved SpotMini that comes with its very own robotic arm.

This new robot then sees the door, lines itself up with the handle and with effortless simplicity opens the door allowing both it and its companion to walk through.
Reactions to the video have been...extreme.
Since its merging and then departure from Google its not always been clear what Boston Dynamics’ overall purpose has been, other than to try and further the abilities of robots.
What we do know however is that they can now successfully create robots that can see the world around them, recognise obstacles and then as long as they’ve got the tools, overcome those obstacles.