Boy George has revealed he apologised to Victoria Beckham after mistakenly tweeting she’d received preferential treatment on a flight they were both on.
The singer had tweeted back in June: “Nice touch for @britishairways to leave everyone in first class waiting for steps while Victoria Beckham’s car picks her up at the aircraft. Proper going to avoid flying BA for a while!”
However, he later found out that Posh had apparently paid a lot extra to alight the plane first.
Discussing his hasty tweet with his fellow I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! campmates, Boy George revealed: “You know when you’ve been on a long flight and you wake up and you’re in a grumpy mood and you’re trying to get off the plane and they take Posh Spice off before you…
“I was like ‘Why are we having to wait? She’s just walked off the plane, I could have gone with her.’
“I do that a lot when I tweet something and then I think, ‘Why did I tweet that?!’, so I said to my friend who knows her, I said: ‘Just tell her I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise that she’d paid extra for concierge service, it was nothing to do with me!’”
Shortly after finding out he’d been mistaken about Posh’s exit from the plan, George confessed his error on Twitter.
“I’m an impulse tweeter but I get over it faster than most!” he tweeted back in June.
“Myself and @britishairways are back in love. Now I know it costs 6,000 to get off the plane before everyone else.”
I’m A Celebrity airs nightly at 9pm on ITV.