Breastfeeding Mum Takes Revenge On Fridge Raiding Colleague In The Most Ingenious Way

She is an evil genius!

A breastfeeding mum who was fed up of her colleague stealing her coffee creamer devised a clever plan for revenge.

She used her breastmilk to fill up an empty carton of Coffee-Mate and placed it in the work fridge, where sure enough it proved too tempting for her colleague to resist.

Once the coffee creamer had been drunk, the mum attached a note to the tub which read:

“Good morning. Whoever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week… surprise! You’ve been drinking my breast milk. Hope you enjoyed. Cheers!”

A photo of the note was shared on the Breastfeeding Mama Talk Facebook page on 21 July. it was liked more than 20,000 times within 11 hours of being posted, with commenters sympathising that food (and coffee creamer) theft was a big problem at their workplaces too.

“I would find out who it was and charge them for the great nutritional supplement they got for free,” wrote one commenter. “Bet they felt great that week and didn’t know why!”

Another added that breast milk coffee creamer is no new thing:

“I have a friend whose husband puts it in his coffee every morning,” they wrote.

And one mum revealed she used the plan in reverse to keep prying hands off her coffee creamer.

“I actually started doing the opposite at work- I put my creamer in breastmilk bottles and nobody touches it,” she wrote. “I sure do get some funny looks when I put it in my coffee.”

Before You Go
