Brexit Day Newspaper Front Pages Provoke Wonder, Fury And Bewilderment

'Jingoism versus reality.'

It has finally arrived - the day many on Fleet Street have been waiting for.

Brexit day, the point the formal process of leaving the EU begins, has been enthusiastically welcomed by much of Britain’s press.

Ink-stained scribes pulled out all the stops after Theresa May last night signed the letter commencing Article 50.

For The Sun, it just had to be the White Cliffs of Dover.

THE SUN: Dover & Out #tomorrowspaperstoday

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) March 28, 2017

The Express spoke of May’s ‘no nonsense message’

EXPRESS: Dear EU, we're leaving you #tomorrowspaperstoday

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) March 28, 2017

The Daily Telegraph led on the ‘need to unite behind Brexit’

TELEGRAPH: Unite behind Brexit, says May #tomorrowspaperstoday

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) March 28, 2017

The Daily Mail declared ‘FREEDOM!’

MAIL: Freedom! #tomorrowspaperstoday

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) March 28, 2017

But for the Guardian, it was caution abound

GUARDIAN: Today Britain steps into the unknown #tomorrowspaperstoday

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) March 28, 2017

As reaction flooded in, it was all a bit très-Brexit for some

This is the most Brexit thing that has ever happened

— James Cook (@JamesLiamCook) March 28, 2017

And in an apparent effort to one-up the Mail’s now infamous ‘Legs-it!’, The Sun went with ‘Bra-xit!’

'Bra-xit!' was used to promote topless pictures of Katie Price
'Bra-xit!' was used to promote topless pictures of Katie Price
The Sun

(Though the headline was suggested a day earlier...)

"What about SEX-it..."

— James Martin (@Pundamentalism) March 27, 2017

Was it all ‘jingoism v reality’?

Britain: a nation still divided on #BrexitDay as these two front pages show. Hope v fear? Jingoism v reality? You decide #skypapers

— Martin Daubney (@MartinDaubney) March 29, 2017

Others thought it was a mood deserving of ridicule

We've reached the final boss of this stupid game "political discourse"

— Hussein Kesvani (@HKesvani) March 28, 2017

Others didn’t mince their words

Meaningless drivel.

— Otto English (@Otto_English) March 29, 2017

OK, so you're saying Brexit is like shooting a wounded, unarmed prisoner dead and then pleading diminished responsibility.

— Tom Freeman (@SnoozeInBrief) March 28, 2017

But the Guardian’s cool jigsaw caused concern for some in the Republic of Ireland

The Guardian’s jigsaw caused concern for some in the Republic of Ireland
The Guardian’s jigsaw caused concern for some in the Republic of Ireland

Jesus. They really are leaving. And by the looks of things, they're taking Donegal and Dundalk with them. #SaveTheTown

— Richard Chambers (@newschambers) March 28, 2017

And while you’re probably reading this on your phone - perhaps today is the day to buy a paper

On a day like today, worth buying and keeping all the papers. One day, the front pages will be objects of historical fascination

— Michael Deacon (@MichaelPDeacon) March 29, 2017

Later today, the letter signed by the Prime Minister commencing Article 50 will be delivered to European Council President Donald Tusk.

The process will formally begin at 12.30pm BST ― and last a maximum of two years.


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