Brexit #Flotilla Boats Sail Down The Thames Led By Bob Geldof And Nigel Farage, Sparking Naval Meme War

Bob Geldof and Nigel Farage are actually chasing each other around in boats.

Events in central London on Wednesday proved exactly how far we've set ourselves back with the EU referendum - a flotilla of Brexiteers sailed down the River Thames and briefly engaged in "low level naval warfare" with a group of Remainer boats.

Ukip leader Nigel Farage led the Leave vessels, which included fishing boats and a few leisure boats.

The Brexiteers were soon trailed by a group of Remain supporters led by former pop star Bob Geldof.

Yes, this is 100% true.

Picture of the pro-Brexit flotilla of ships heading up the Thames to the heart of pro-Remain London. (This is real.)

— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) June 15, 2016

Once again, we feel the need to point out that this is very real and actually happened.

Farage's boat isn't actually heading to Parliament. We're just sailing in a big circle, being pursued by Bob Geldof

— Michael Deacon (@MichaelPDeacon) June 15, 2016

In 2016.

SHOTS FIRED! A Leave vessel just hit Remain supporters with a hose

— Mikey Smith (@mikeysmith) June 15, 2016

The fisherman are spraying Sir Bob Geldof and the Remain Raft with hoses:

— Harry Cole (@MrHarryCole) June 15, 2016

About a real political issue.

General consensus is Farage has more boats, but Sir Bob has a better sound system.

— Mikey Smith (@mikeysmith) June 15, 2016

Involving actual politicians.

Pro-Leave fishing boat with an escort of Remain dinghies. David Coburn: "That's a REAL fishing boat, laddies!"

— Michael Deacon (@MichaelPDeacon) June 15, 2016

Today is brilliant.

— Ned Simons (@nedsimons) June 15, 2016

Of course, someone added the Benny Hill music to their little game of cat and mouse:

UPDATED WITH THEME TUNE: The state of British politics summed up in a clip of a flotilla face-off

— Kaya Burgess (@kayaburgess) June 15, 2016

The folks from 'The Last Leg' showed up:

The team from the Last Leg couldn't blag their way onto the Farage Boat so improvised. Well done chaps

— Giles Dilnot (@reporterboy) June 15, 2016

Instead of Bob Geldof, we're now being pursued by a team from Channel 4's The Last Leg

— Michael Deacon (@MichaelPDeacon) June 15, 2016

The last leg boys are here! #flotilla

— Owen Bennett (@owenjbennett) June 15, 2016

Attempted to interview Nigel Farage. From a boat. On The Thames. You'll see the result on Friday @TheLastLeg

— Adam Hills (@adamhillscomedy) June 15, 2016

Meanwhile, on the continent...

The rest of Europe watching this right now. #flotilla

— Dai Lama (@WelshDalaiLama) June 15, 2016

During all this, a lot of people across the country were wondering how we ended up here.

"man we are really struggling to get people engaged in this referendum"
"what about... A FLOTILLA ON THE THAMES"

— Elena Cresci (@elenacresci) June 15, 2016

"Bob Geldof under attack from Farage-led rebel fishermen on the Thames"

— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) June 15, 2016

While some were just hoping Farage would be dropped to a watery grave...

When the #brexit #flotilla is happening & you remember there are no icebergs in the Thames.

— Save Our Souls (@SaveOurSoulsmag) June 15, 2016

Crouched on a bank of the Thames, waiting for #flotilla to pass, my finger poised over the keyboard ...

— Ian Duhig (@ianduhig) June 15, 2016

Fingers crossed, eh? #flotilla

— Poppy Starkie (@PoppyStarkie) June 15, 2016

And others had to crack jokes, presumably to stop from crying.

Once the rest of Europe sees the #flotilla on the Thames, I think we'll be asked to leave anyway. We really are sorry about these tools guys

— Chloë Grimes (@Chlo_G) June 15, 2016


— Enough Of That Now (@AndyGilder) June 15, 2016

It's just like Dunkirk, if Dunkirk had consisted of 30 idiots having a pub argument. #flotilla

— The Web of Evil (@webofevil) June 15, 2016

As the Thames Brexit flotilla nears Westminster, one supporter finds himself struggling to keep up

— will thorpe (@withorpe) June 15, 2016

"Farage's Barrage" - Nigel's flotilla blocks the Thames while he fields questions shouted by celebrities.

— Mark (@chislehurst) June 15, 2016

Breathtaking painting by Monet #Thames #flotilla #faragevsgeldof

— James Rowbottom (@JamesRowbo) June 15, 2016

Expecting to see @BorisJohnson arrive up the Thames in a pedalo #brexitflotilla #

— Louise Kennedy (@louise_ken) June 15, 2016

The problem with Farage leading a flotilla on the Thames is that it's extremely unpleasant and full of turds. And they're all on the Thames.

— Marty Lawrence (@TeaAndCopy) June 15, 2016

Live from the Thames #flotilla

— Andy Lang (@HRH_Duke_of_Url) June 15, 2016

Hears Nigel Farage is on the Thames... *wishful thinking* #Brexit #flotilla

— Jordon-Lee (@JordonLee) June 15, 2016

Wanna feel old? This is what Leonardo di Caprio and Kate Winslet look like today #flotilla

— Neil Withers (@NeilWithers) June 15, 2016

Gove's arrived #BrexitFlotilla

— General Boles (@GeneralBoles) June 15, 2016

Come friendly Godzilla and eat all these boats on the Thames

— Eddie Robson (@EddieRobson) June 15, 2016

Sad how the referendum has descended into...
Naval gazing.

— Phoebe (@Flossieraptor) June 15, 2016

Nigel Farage on a boat on the Thames. And they say we should scrap Trident.

— Technimatic (@TechnimaticUK) June 15, 2016

Come on Cthulhu where are you? #flotilla #Thames

— daniel morgan (@Bogglemyminds) June 15, 2016

Is this a Brass Eye sketch? #flotilla

— Caroline Durbin (@acroline) June 15, 2016

Meanwhile back on the #Thames #flotilla

— Brendan (@Brendan_Surrey) June 15, 2016

You're going to need a bigger vote

— boothby graffoe (@boobygraffoe) June 15, 2016

Time to sort this nonsense on the Thames out once and for all.

— Darren Rigby-O'Neill (@DazBear1969) June 15, 2016

The Thames, Westminster. Farage disembarks together with his key allies. #flotilla

— David Schneider (@davidschneider) June 15, 2016

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