Brexit Is Worth Family Members Losing Their Jobs, Say Half Of Leave Voters Over 65

YouGov conducts 'Brexit extremism' poll.
Boris Johnson is surrounded by Vote Leave and Vote Remain activists as he speaks in Winchester, as part of his tour on the Vote Leave campaign bus.
Boris Johnson is surrounded by Vote Leave and Vote Remain activists as he speaks in Winchester, as part of his tour on the Vote Leave campaign bus.
PA Archive/PA Images

Half of Leave voters over the age of 65 would be happy for their family members to lose their jobs in order to ensure Brexit goes ahead.

A YouGov poll published today also revealed 61% of people who voted Leave at the referendum think that “significant damage” to the UK economy is a price worth paying for taking Britain out of the EU.

But according to to research, “Brexit extremism” is not restricted to people who backed the Leave campaign.

One in three Remain voters (34%), said that “significant damage” economy would be a price worth paying if it meant Brexit was stopped.

And one in five Remain voters would happily see the economy suffer “just to teach Leave voters a lesson”.

39% of Leave voters also say themselves/family members losing their jobs a price worth paying for Brexit

— YouGov (@YouGov) August 1, 2017

Age a key factor: older Leave voters more likely to say economic damage/job losses a price worth paying for Brexit

— YouGov (@YouGov) August 1, 2017

Finally, 1 in 5 Remain voters would like to see Brexit cause economic damage just to teach Leave voters a lesson

— YouGov (@YouGov) August 1, 2017

The poll came as Philip Hammond has was backed by former Tory leader Lord Hague amid ongoing Cabinet tensions about the approach to Brexit.

The ex-foreign secretary said the Chancellor deserves credit for pushing for a transitional deal which preserves close ties to Brussels, giving time for a new trading relationship to be established and avoiding turning Brexit into a “disaster”.

The Chancellor has dismissed suggestions that Brexit could be “postponed or delayed” as ministers push for a transitional deal.

Hammond insisted that Brexit would go ahead as planned and reiterated that the UK’s legal obligations with the EU will end on March 29 2019, including the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice.

But at a press conference in Brazil he acknowledged there was still a “debate” about the nature of a transitional deal.

“There’s a discussion going on about how we then move from full membership of the European Union to a future relationship with the European Union and that’s a debate, a discussion that will go on through this negotiations.”

He added that the UK hopes talks on a post-Brexit EU trade deal will begin this autumn, delivering a less than certain verdict compared with an earlier upbeat Government assessment from Brexit Secretary David Davis’s department.


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