15 Times People Perfectly Captured What An Absolute Sh*tshow Last Night's Brexit Vote Was

Even Premier League footballers have had enough.

If you’ve been trying to keep up with all the latest Brexit shenanigans there’s a rather high chance that you have absolutely no idea what is actually going on.

Don’t worry though, even political stalwarts like the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg are in awe of the shambles that has engulfed Westminster.

I normally try very, very, hard not to say things like this, but have never actually seen anything like what's happened tonight

— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) March 13, 2019

So what actually happened? Well, in a nutshell...

The good news is that no deal is off the table. The bad news is there isn't a table.

— Hugo Rifkind (@hugorifkind) March 13, 2019

The longer version goes something like this: MPs last night dramatically rejected crashing out of the European Union without a deal at any time and under any circumstances.

An amended version of the government’s motion was then defeated by members of the government who had been told by the government to vote for the government. Er, wot.

Incredible. Govt now seemingly whipping against their own motion because it has the Spelman-Cooper amendment attached to it. That effectively forces ministers to resign or vote against their conscience.

— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) March 13, 2019

Theresa May, as head of the government, did not come out of it looking very good.

Brexit is undeliverable. pic.twitter.com/kipVSNfT3d

— James Melville (@JamesMelville) March 14, 2019

In fact, the entire political class of our country looks a bit shambolic right now, like a roomful of bewildered alpacas looking for the exit as their wool becomes evermore blackened by a raging inferno they’re desperately trying to ignore.

Brexit: A daily apocalypse shitshow in slow motion.

— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) March 13, 2019

And if that wasn’t enough – there’s another vote tonight! This one is on whether or not we’re leaving the EU at the end of this month, or going to prolong the whole thing for even longer because everyone is just having such a jolly old larf.

We are truly spoiled.

This made me laugh 🤣 she couldn’t could she!! #BrexitMayhem #BrexitBetrayal pic.twitter.com/mfDL15ognA

— Mrs G (@2012gaily) March 13, 2019

Outside the Westminster bubble, the saga was at least giving some a new perspective on life and chance to enjoy the little things.

The single consolation of finding yourself overworked, stressed, and worried about a dozen things you can't change whilst scooping up handfuls of your child's vomit from a car seat on a Thursday morning is that I didn't once think about the utter shitshow that is brexit.

— Paul (@spookshow71) March 14, 2019

Even further outside the Westminster bubble, all the way over in Germany, Theresa May featured on page three of Süddeutsche Zeitung with the bemusing heading “Lady Gaga”.

We have no idea what’s going on here but we like it.

Ach, German headlines #Brexit #BrexitMayhem @theresa_may pic.twitter.com/tpdBn7soBd

— Deborah Cole (@doberah) March 14, 2019

Anyway, what better time than to have a little reminisce about how things used to look before Brexit became the all-consuming feature of British life.

Feels like a moment to remember this again. What an absolute state. #BrexitMayhem https://t.co/abRybNwDE2

— Schona Jolly QC (@WomaninHavana) March 13, 2019

OK, maybe not.

Even the staunch Brexiteer papers have changed their tune rather dramatically.

What a difference two years makes.

Democracy demands that we have a rethink when things change.

There is only one Brexit option that is 'Strong and Stable' today - #RemainAndReform@guyverhofstadt agrees.#tomorrowspaperstoday#Brexit #BrexitCrisis #BrexitMayhem #BrexitVote pic.twitter.com/MPUvFsWuYj

— Brexit Watch (@ukvoteremain) March 14, 2019

So what are our options? Well this gets our vote...

I'm just bored, the UK should just crash out and rebrand as Greater Serbia

— hussein kesvani (@HKesvani) March 14, 2019

Or, if he’s not too busy trying to flog magic boxes that cure cancer, let’s get Noel in the driving seat.

Only one man can save this now #BrexitMayhem pic.twitter.com/lfZDupom1p

— Stephen Redmond (@steogoalkeeper) March 13, 2019

And you know things are serious when Premier League footballers start chipping in with their two pennies worth.


— Eric Dier (@ericdier) March 14, 2019

Is there a bright side to all this? Well, according to famed atheist Richard Dawkins, yes, yes there is.

“The betrayal of Brexit is one of the most shameful chapters in our country’s history” (Nigel Farage).

It’s hard to find optimism in the plight to which we’ve been brought by Cameron’s self-serving 2016 folly. But if Farage now feels betrayed, something must be going right.

— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) March 14, 2019

But our elected officials will pull through for us, right?

MPs questioning Liam Fox about post-Brexit trade with Switzerland. John Bercow butts in to announce that the best thing about Switzerland is Roger Federer. Silence. Questioning resumes

— Michael Deacon (@MichaelPDeacon) March 14, 2019



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