From the end of September, people will only be allowed to enter nightclubs if they’ve been double vaccinated against coronavirus.
The announcement, made by Boris Johnson on Monday, marks the first domestic introduction of controversial “vaccine passports” in the UK. The prime minister said over 18s will need to show evidence of being double jabbed for clubs, plus “other venues where large crowds gather”. It’s hoped the move will boost vaccine take-up among young people.
The announcement follows calls from the NHS for under 40s to move their second vaccination date forward, in a bid to tackle rising case numbers. Here’s what you need to know if you’re eagerly awaiting that second jab:
Who can move their second vaccine forward?
You can have your second vaccine eight weeks after your first. Previously, an eight-week interval was recommended only for those aged 40 and over, while younger people had to wait at least 12 weeks for their second vaccine. But earlier this month, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) updated its guidance saying everyone eligible for a vaccine (all adults and some vulnerable children) can now move their second jab forward.
How do you move your second jab forward?
As part of efforts to tackle the highly infectious Delta variant, the NHS has sent texts to 650,000 people encouraging them to get their second jab eight weeks after their first – but you don’t have to wait for a text message to change your appointment.
You can book your second vaccination appointment – or rearrange your existing one – via the NHS website.
To rearrange your appointment, click “manage my appointments.” You’ll then need to input some information so the system can find your original booking, such as your NHS number or your original booking reference, which you will have been sent over email or text.
Once your appointment has been located, you’ll see a page that looks like the screenshot below. Click “check availability before cancelling” to see a list of alternative appointments. You can browse these without losing your current appointment.

Simply select a new, earlier appointment and you’ll be sent an updated appointment confirmation. Alternatively, appointments can be cancelled or rearranged by calling 119.