Britain First Mocked For Stealing Satirical Post Slamming Jeremy Corbyn Thinking It Was Genuine

Doh x100,000.

Britain First is being mocked online for unwittingly posting a satirical article about Jeremy Corbyn on its rolling news feed.

The piece, authored by a writer, laid into the Labour leader for choosing to attend Glastonbury instead of observing Armed Forces Day.

Based on a genuine article in The Sun after the local Tory MP criticised the Labour leader for snubbing an event paying tribute to service personnel, it stated Corbyn delivered a “sensational snub” to the armed forces, “leading to precisely ZERO respects being issued to troops”.

The article was lifted verbatim from and posted to the Britain First news website
The article was lifted verbatim from and posted to the Britain First news website
Britain First

It continued: “Instead, the hapless socialist appeared at Glastonbury Festival, on a stage that was built with money – which is capitalist by the way – to deliver a virtue-signalling speech to hundreds of thousands of easily-duped people from every demographic.”

On Tuesday, the author of the parody noted the item had been lifted, in its entirety, and tweeted his amusement.

ICYMI, I wrote a satirical once about Corbyn for @JOE_co_uk (, British First copied it verbatim to their site.

— hrtbps (@hrtbps) June 27, 2017

Rowan Seymour replied: “Fuck, what if Britain First IS a parody site and the joke’s on us?”, with Alex William pointing out: “It’s nice when the people you’re parodying say ‘yeah, that’s pretty much exactly what we were thinking.’”

Some suggested Britain First had been aware of the satirical nature of the article, but as Jamie pointed out: “They don’t care if it’s satire, if any of their gorm readers believe it, it feeds their ideology. Who cares about reality these days.”

Fuck what if Britain First IS a parody site and the joke's on us

— Rowan Seymour (@rowanseymour) June 27, 2017

In their defence this is basically indistinguishable from the Express editorial on the subject.

— Sam Ashworth-Hayes🌐 (@SAshworthHayes) June 27, 2017

it's nice when the people you're parodying say "yeah, that's pretty much exactly what we were thinking!"
congrats 🎉

— Alex William (@AlexGPLboro) June 27, 2017

“In their defence this is basically indistinguishable from the Express editorial on the subject,” offered Sam Ashworth-Hayes.

Signalling that perhaps the right-wing group hadn’t realised it was a joke, within hours, Britain First had removed the article from both its newsfeed and its social media account, forgetting perhaps that everything posted to the internet lives forever...


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