Britain’s Got Talent: Amanda Holden Presses Golden Buzzer For Teen Boy Band Chapter 13 - But Not Everyone Is Happy

The four-piece met after appearing in the West End hit musical School Of Rock.

Amanda Holden finally got to press her Golden Buzzer on Saturday night’s Britain’s Got Talent, but not everyone was happy with her decision.

The judge fast-tracked boyband Chapter 13 into the live semi-final after impressing with their melody of Stevie Wonder songs.


But some viewers claimed that Jacob, 14, and 15-year-olds Noah, Tom, and Jake, had an unfair advantage because they have performed together in the West End show School Of Rock.

Amanda even tweeted that she’d be getting “extra brownie points” from her daughters Lexie and Hollie as School Of Rock is one of their favourite musicals.

Who doesn’t love a medley of Stevie Wonder hits!? Congrats to my #GoldenBuzzer @wearechapter13... YOU ROCKED @BGT! 🇬🇧💖 They formed while appearing in @schoolofrockuk which is one of Lexi & Hollie’s favourite musicals.Brownie points for mum at home tonight 🤣 Alwaye go with my ♥️

— Amanda Holden (@AmandaHolden) May 11, 2019

Not everyone was quite as delighted as Amanda...

1st buzzer = cute kids,we'll let that one slide
2nd= Aleeshas mate
3rd = kid whose already famous (invited over?)
4th = kid whose already famous (invited over?)
5th = kids who've been in West end@bgt its official, the only talent we now have are already pros. #BritainsGotTalent

— Amy Keen (@amymkeen) May 11, 2019

i agree that they were a pretty good band but it was unfair for them to get a golden buzzer after literally being in a west end musical and having that much of an advantage...just my opinion not saying they didn’t deserve it but still not that fair #BritainsGotTalent

— røìsìn💫103 |-/ (@neonpolarize) May 11, 2019

But.... they are professional musicians. It’s supposed to be an amateur talent show. It’s a fraud

— Curehead (@TheCureheads) May 12, 2019

Sad to read all the golden buzzer acts have previously been “discovered” in one way or another, nothing seems new,fresh or real on shows anymore#makes me wonder y i bother being an eejit & watch them 🤷🏻♀️

— Hilary McKenzie (@hils71) May 11, 2019

I thought this show was for Amateurs ? If these kids have already been in a Westend Show, then their Not Amateurs? Booooooooo Fix, The Magician And Those Three Guys Falling Blindly On Those Boxes, When There Was A Sword Inside Of One Of Them, Where Better Acts Than Those Kids.

— Tom (@Tom70865820) May 11, 2019

Don't get me wrong these lads are going to be big, but I think were missing the identity of this show, where producers bringing in semi professional acts that actually already have a step on the ladder ! Don't know? Jury's out on this one ! #BGT

— Mike P B (@MikeyPB) May 12, 2019

While others backed Amanda’s decision, including a certain Miss Gemma Collins...

What a beautiful moment @BGT @AmandaHolden well done they are amazing children 💗 well done boys

— Gemma Collins (@missgemcollins) May 11, 2019

That would also mean anyone of the acts who perform as a job shouldn’t be on the show either? Kids in musicals (as they were) do a show for a few weeks/months then go back to normal living. Just because they’ve had one chance doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get another.

— Roxie Ed (@Roxie_Ed1986) May 12, 2019

Seriously that means those who have experience won't get a chance and that not fair that n so many ways. Everyone should have the chance whether they have experience on the west end or other Talent shows or not. You people are critics nowadays🙄

— Joseph Mendy (@2001joe_mendy) May 12, 2019

Thought these lads are stars of the future, well done lads and Amanda for pressing the buzzer.

— patybutler (@patybutler1) May 12, 2019

Excellent, good choice to give young hardworking and talented kids like that a chance

— Michelle (@Ellekl) May 12, 2019

Regardless of their experience, all four judges agreed that the teenagers smashed their audition.

Amanda told them: “I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen four young musicians so together, the drummer was amazing, the guitar playing was spot on. Some of the faces you were pulling were fantastic.

“I just think you are absolutely incredible and now you’ve just got to win the whole show,’ she told the band, before hitting her golden buzzer and running up on stage to celebrate with them.

Simon Cowell told them: “I can imagine kids watching the show, saying: “I would love to be in that because that’s more exciting than being at school.

“The last time I remember seeing or hearing something like this was a band called Busted. That was fantastic.”


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