Brothers' Wives Give Birth At The Same Time On The Same Day 80 Miles Apart

'It was absolutely surreal.'

Two brothers' became dads at the exact same time on the same day just in time for Easter celebrations.

Matt Thayer and Stephen Thayer, from North Carolina, both sent their dad, Stephen Thayer Sr., a picture of their newborns shortly after their wives gave birth.

Thayer Sr. got confused as he received the two pictures, one after another, before slowly realising they were of different babies.

Matt's wife Brooke Thayer gave birth to Cassidy Thayer on 20 March at 6.53pm at Duke University Hospital in Durham.

Stephen's wife Fawn gave birth to their son Benjamin, who was also born at 6.52pm but 80 miles away at Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst.

The brothers' wives both gave birth at 6.53pm on 20 March
The brothers' wives both gave birth at 6.53pm on 20 March

"It was absolutely surreal," Matt told "Being my first child, and being a girl, I was already head over heels in tears.

"Then I hear about my brother and his wife giving birth at the same time - it was absolutely shocking."

The brothers said their wives were due to give birth on different days, but didn't reveal how close the due dates were.

Steve, who has two older sons, said his wife and his brother's wife had gone into labour at different times - Brooke very early in the morning and Fawn later in the afternoon - so he didn't expect them to give birth at the same time.

"Then absolute shock set in. Nobody could believe it. My dad was the first to realise what had unfolded."
