Telegraph Columnist Allison Pearson's 'Awful' Brussels Tweet Sets Off Almighty Brexit Row

Nigel Farage was also quick to weigh in on the issue.

A bitter Brexit row has erupted in the wake of the Brussels terror attacks with one prominent Eurosceptic accused of sending an "astonishingly awful" tweet less than an hour after the first blasts.

Explosions at Zaventem Airport and Maalbeek Metro Station left more than 20 dead and dozens injured but the attacks quickly became politicised, with prominent Ukip figures and columnists quick to weigh in on the issue.

The Telegraph's Allison Pearson tweeted to say Brussels was the "jihadist capital of Europe" and asked how "remainers dare to say we're safer in the EU!"

Brussels, de facto capital of the EU, is also the jihadist capital of Europe. And the Remainers dare to say we're safer in the EU! #Brexit

— Allison Pearson (@allisonpearson) March 22, 2016

The tweet immediately prompted a barrage of criticism, with the likes of Labour MP Chris Bryant and journalists Kay Burley and Owen Jones quick to respond.

@allisonpearson astonishingly awful tweet

— Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) March 22, 2016

Maybe a little too early to make political capital from a terrorist atrocity?

— Kay Burley (@KayBurley) March 22, 2016

This is truly vile.

— Chris Bryant MP (@RhonddaBryant) March 22, 2016

@allisonpearson what a horror you are. Dust not even settled and you try to make a political point? For shame.

— Alyn Smith MEP (@AlynSmithMEP) March 22, 2016

@allisonpearson you're going to make this about brexit?? Really? How classy of you

— Elizabeth Ammon (@legsidelizzy) March 22, 2016

@allisonpearson show some respect.

— Georgia Arlott (@GeorgiaArlott) March 22, 2016

@allisonpearson disgustingly distasteful. You should be ashamed. I suppose you blame 7/7 on the EU?

— Paul Raeburn (@PaulRaeburn) March 22, 2016

Not sure using events in Brussels to advance the case for leaving the EU is either appropriate or wise.

— Niall Paterson (@skynewsniall) March 22, 2016

Speaking in London, both former Labour leader Ed Miliband and former home secretary Alan Johnson said that it was inappropriate to use incidents like this for political gain:

.@Ed_Miliband: it's not the day for either side in the referendum to use this terrible tragedy to make political capital #Brussels

— Owen Bennett (@owenjbennett) March 22, 2016

Alan Johnson says it is 'deeply distasteful' to use Brussels attacks in #euref

— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) March 22, 2016

Ukip was also quick to weigh in on the issue, with party leader Nigel Farage retweeting Pearson, adding:

I'm very upset by events in Brussels today and even more depressed for the future.

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) March 22, 2016

Ukip defence spokesman Mike Hookem went further, saying that the attack were a "result of Schengen free movement and lax border controls", adding: "I am appalled at the loss of life and injuries. our thoughts and prayer go out to the families of those killed and injured.

Emergency services near the metro station at Maalbeek after a blast
Emergency services near the metro station at Maalbeek after a blast
EMMANUEL DUNAND via Getty Images

"This horrific act of terrorism shows that Schengen free movement and lax border control are a threat to our security.

"The head of [Europol] said in February that 5,000 jihadists are at large in EU having slipped in from Syria.

"There are 94 returned jihadists current living in Molenbeek, Brussels. This fact alone should alert people to the fact that open borders are putting the lives of European citizens at risk."

Speaking on LBC, Ukip's London mayoral candidate Peter Whittle also linked the attacks to the EU debate.

He said: "We have to take control of our borders, this has happened as a result of people going over borders and having free movement.

"At the moment the way things stand, Our membership of the EU means we actually have a problem with our security and that is appalling."

Others, including Ukip spokesperson Michael Heaver, also joined in.

Rampant jihadism combined with open borders is a cocktail for disaster. #Brexit

— Michael Heaver (@Michael_Heaver) March 22, 2016

Cameron "shocked" by Brussels attacks. Rest of us are not. Answer cannot be to open the doors to 77m Turks. NOT safer in EU? #Brexit

— Trevor Honeyman (@TrevorHoneyman) March 22, 2016

Despite the backlash against such tweets, some wondered whether there was ever an appropriate time to bring up such issues.

@Michael_Heaver @owenjbennett The trouble is Owen, on the left of the spectrum there is NEVER an appropriate time to bring this up is there?

— Brexit is coming! (@t20racerman) March 22, 2016

Emergency services continue to work in the Belgian capital to evacuate the injured and ascertain what exactly has taken place.

An emergency number has been set up for concerned relatives: +44 207 008 0000


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