Bryan Adams Heavily Criticised For Blaming Coronavirus On 'Bat Eating, Virus Making, Greedy B******s'

The Canadian singer's outburst came on the day he was scheduled to start a residency at London’s Royal Albert Hall.

Bryan Adams has come under fire after posting a tweet in which he blamed some “fucking bat eating, wet market selling, virus making greedy bastards” for the coronavirus crisis.

The Canadian singer’s outburst on social media came on the day he was scheduled to start a residency at London’s Royal Albert Hall, which has been cancelled due to the pandemic.

Bryan Adams
Bryan Adams
EMPICS Entertainment

Posting on his Instagram and Twitter accounts, Bryan wrote: “Tonight was supposed to be the beginning of a tenancy of gigs at the @royalalberthall, but thanks to some fucking bat eating, wet market animal selling, virus making greedy bastards, the whole world is now on hold, not to mention the thousands that have suffered or died from this virus.”

Bryan, who regularly talks about being a vegan to his fans on social media, added: “My message to them other than ‘thanks a fucking lot’ is go vegan.”

His comments were soon picked up on Twitter, where his name began trending, as people accused him of being “stigmatising” and “prejudice”.

This tweet from @bryanadams.... ugh. Angry. Stigmatizing. Hate baiting. Scientifically wonky.

I get that people are frustrated, but this kind of aggressive messaging from an influencer helps no one. cc @KatieNicholson @CBChealth @picardonhealth #COVID19 #coronavirus#Community

— Timothy Caulfield (@CaulfieldTim) May 12, 2020

Bryan Adams tweeting and then deleting this is just more proof that Summer of 69 was actually about his IQ.

— 🥞MeltLikeButta🥞 (@JWButta) May 12, 2020

"I got pissed off about my concert getting canceled, even though nobody gives a fuck about me anymore, #AndIWentOffTheDeepEnd with a weird, offensive social media rant." - Bryan Adams, probably

— We're only gonna die from our own arrogance (@SethFromThe716) May 12, 2020

#bryanadams did a thing.....😳

— Pritch (@Pritch533) May 12, 2020

*Sees #BryanAdams is trending*

Follows the tweets...


You know you’re behaving like an asshole when Katie Hopkins is retweeting you IN AGREEMENT.


— Jo V (@JoSmilesJo) May 12, 2020

So let me see if I understand this correctly, #BryanAdams is inconvenienced by Covid-19 and instead of sucking it up like us normal poor folks, he decides to go on a prejudice rant? What a douche canoe.

— 🇬🇧🏴🇺🇸Liz Daniels🇮🇪🇩🇪🇨🇭👑 (@LokisGoddess121) May 12, 2020

Oh well. There goes all my respect for a supposedly Canadian icon. I am ashamed and disappointed. @bryanadams #idiot

— Zafar Shamsi 🇨🇦 (@ShamsiZafar) May 12, 2020

Stop acting like you’re the only one going through this. My entire year was cancelled too, just like every other artist I know. Businesses are shuttering while people lose their livelihoods and family. Give me back John Prine. At least he’d write a song instead of complaining.

— Shane Koyczan (@Koyczan) May 12, 2020

So what you're saying, if I understand correctly, is that all of this has really inconvenienced Bryan Adams?

Well, I'm sure all the sick and dying common folks around the world will sympathise with you, for your loss.

The struggle is real.

For Bryan Adams.

— Barney Panofsky's Best Intentions (@mynamesnotgordy) May 12, 2020

The president of the Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice went one step further, claiming his comments would intensify “racist hatred against Chinese”.

“This is so irresponsible,” Amy Go told Canada’s CBC News.

Bryan was also accused on social media of conflating misinformation about the virus.

While researchers do know that it originated in China, they still have many questions about exactly how it emerged. Here’s a full primer on what we actually know.

Thank you Bryan Adams for coming out of obscurity to rant your unproven go back to wherever it is you came from -

— KonstantinosKomaitis (@kkomaitis) May 12, 2020

Who knew Bryan Adams was conspiracy believing covidiot?

— Stephan Cook (@StephanCook1) May 12, 2020

I did not have “Bryan Adams: Coronavirus conspiracy theorist” in my 2020 pool.

— Chuck Sudo (@bportseasoning) May 12, 2020

Bryan has since deleted his post on Twitter, but it still remains on his Instagram account.

He has so far not addressed the backlash and HuffPost has contacted his representative for comment.


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