Burger King Says 'Women Belong In The Kitchen' And People Are Not Impressed

Fast food chain said it intended to highlight that "only 20% of chefs are women" – but the joke flopped.

It’s one of the oldest sexist tropes in the book. And when Burger King tried to flip the idea on its head, it fell flatter than a floppy patty.

The fast food chain kicked off International Women’s Day with a tweet that “women belong in the kitchen”, following up with a thread of tweets clarifying that “only 20% of chefs are women” and the announcement of a scholarship designed to “help female Burger King employees pursue their culinary dreams”.

But if the opener was intended as an attention-grabbing marketing ploy, many are taking issue with the fact that women are, once again, the butt of the joke.

Women belong in the kitchen.

— Burger King (@BurgerKingUK) March 8, 2021

The Burger King campaign follows a previous International Women’s Day stunt by McDonald’s, where the latter chain flipped its ‘M’ sign to become a ‘W’ for the day. The move was criticised as being an “empty gesture” and the latest from its fast food rival hasn’t fared much better.

As people on Twitter have pointed out, some people will only read one tweet.

somebody working at Burger King really looked at this and thought it was a good idea

— chop (@chopggs) March 8, 2021

yo burger king PR department. do you think there might be a problem with the first tweet reaching 15 times as many eyeballs as the second pic.twitter.com/Y7CQhGNpfe

— micro dream (@Xythar) March 8, 2021

You got any idea how many people are only gonna look at the first one/see screenshots of it without the second one? lmao
Someone in the marketing department doesn't understand Twitter very well

— katya 🍣🏳️🌈 (@CheesyKatya) March 8, 2021

Others have called the chain “appalling” for perpetuating a sexist joke for the sake of clicks.

who thought sexist jokes were a good idea to bring to light how under represented women are in the cooking industry https://t.co/diDpNgmt43

— heidi (@he11d11) March 8, 2021

Shoutout to Burger King for absolutely fucking what could have been a fabulous pro-women tweet because they couldn't stop themselves making an outdated joke often used by men.

Happy International Women's Day though :D https://t.co/pr8PaJLgX3

— Hannah Rutherford (@lomadia) March 8, 2021

It's not necessary to use a shitty sexist joke to spread a good cause. Maybe just lead with the good work you're trying to accomplish and leave the rest in the bin https://t.co/lVXXBlL8Gs

— #FreeAubrey (@AmiiM_) March 8, 2021

And accused the chain of using a “cheap tactic” on an important day.

Yep. What's 'clever' about it? Taking an outdated trope, making it the top line for outrage and then quietly pulling it down in the second tweet? Feels a little shock tactic to me - which doesn't seem super clever

— Alexia Christofi 🎊🎉 (@Lex_mate) March 8, 2021

I mean, their follow up tweet gives no indication as to HOW they're trying to change that gender split - which leads me more to think its just shock tactic to get people talking about Burger King.. Which is a cheap tactic to use on an important day!

— Alexia Christofi 🎊🎉 (@Lex_mate) March 8, 2021

Also, imagine if someone did the same kind of ploy for something like black history month, or pride month. It wouldn't even be considered!

— Alexia Christofi 🎊🎉 (@Lex_mate) March 8, 2021

As others have said, it really wouldn’t have been hard to include the information in one tweet, rather than feeding the trolls.

The social media team are doubling down in the replies on this one rather than saying, "oh yeah, by tweeting the joke without the actual intended message our original tweet can be RT'd thousands of times and used to make us look a misognist from the nineties". https://t.co/O9jL5OGnGT

— Frankie (@FrankieWard) March 8, 2021

Actually what they could have done is made the "joke", then left a line and included the rest of the message in the same tweet.

It's not rocket science and it still gets the job done.

— Frankie (@FrankieWard) March 8, 2021

It’s hard not to see this as yet another example of the commercialisation of International Women’s Day, when brand awareness risks drowning out any messaging around gender equality.

Burger King insists the campaign’s aim is to continue “the important conversation around gender inequality within the culinary field”.

“It was our intention to undermine an outdated stereotype about women and reclaim the terminology, in order to highlight a big problem in the restaurant industry – that women occupy only 20 percent of chef positions in UK restaurants today, which we believe is offensive,” a spokesperson for Burger King told HuffPost UK.

“We have teamed up with culinary schools to create a scholarship programme for our female team members to help them achieve their career aspirations.”

But as Vivienne Hayes, chief executive of the Women’s Resource Centre, previously said: “This use of International Women’s Day by companies is part of the co-option of feminism and women’s equality into a much more mainstream position, that has led to the corporatisation of the advancement of women’s rights.

There’s a risk that it becomes an event a bit like Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day instead of giving visibility to the work that women are doing around the world.”

Next year, how about we focus on telling women’s stories rather than jokes?
