Candace Owens' Bonkers Take On Nationalism Includes A Defense Of Hitler

One person on Twitter quipped that the conservative's comments were like saying, "I liked Hitler's early stuff, before he went mass market."

Frequent Fox News guest Candace Owens shared her understanding of nationalism and said if Adolf Hitler had been just a nationalist, that would have been all right

“I actually don’t have any problems at all with the word ‘nationalism.’ I think that the definition gets poisoned by elitists that actually want globalism. Globalism is what I don’t want. ... Whenever we say ‘nationalism,’ the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. You know, he was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine,” she said.

“The problem is that he wanted — he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize. He wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German. Everybody to look a different way. That’s not, to me, that’s not nationalism. In thinking about how we could go bad down the line, I don’t really have an issue with nationalism. I really don’t. I think that it’s OK,” she continued.

Here is video of Candace Owens' full answer on nationalism and Hitler

— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) February 8, 2019

Owens, the director of communications at the conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, made the comments in December at a Turning Point event in England.

BuzzFeed News reports that she began her remarks by saying, “We’re here to fight a culture war and we feel that we can win.” She brought up Hitler when she was asked by one member of the audience about nationalism in Western politics.

After the BuzzFeed report came out on Friday, a video surfaced of Owens’ odd defense of the man responsible for killing millions of people. People on Twitter had a lot to say about her remarks:

Hey @RealCandaceO, Hitler blamed Germany's lack of national greatness on the Jews and proceeded to MURDER 6 MILLION OF US along with 5 million other marginalized people.

That's cool by you as long as he didn't invade France or whatever? Just checking.

— David Greenwald (@davidegreenwald) February 8, 2019

An underrated thing about that Candace Owens comment is she says it's okay if Hitler "just wanted to make Germany great," explicitly linking him to the president's own slogan.

— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) February 8, 2019

Me: whew looks like Black History Month Day 8 just might squeak by without a —

Candace Owens: *grabs mic* I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS ON HITLER

— Eric Haywood (@EricHaywood) February 8, 2019

Watch Candace Owens die on the “Hitler had some good ideas” Hill.

— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) February 8, 2019

When you hear like Candace Owens hold forth idiotically on Hitler or whatever, it's not the result of her resisting cultural indoctrination on some college campus, it's the result of her learning everything she knows about history from troop memes on imgur.

— David Roth (@david_j_roth) February 8, 2019

Candace Owens: I liked Hitler's early stuff, before he went mass market

— Justin Miller (@justinjm1) February 8, 2019

Apparently Candace Owens thinks the problem with Hitler was that he wanted to expand his agenda *beyond* Germany. But other than that, things were totally peachy?

— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) February 8, 2019

I could be wrong but I am pretty sure @RealCandaceO basically just said genocide is cool and fine so long as you keep it within your own borders.

— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) February 8, 2019

Owens is a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump, and he apparently admires her as well.

In May 2018 he tweeted praise for her, writing, “Candace Owens of Turning Point USA is having a big impact on politics in our Country. She represents an ever expanding group of very smart ‘thinkers,’ and it is wonderful to watch and hear the dialogue going good for our Country!”

Perhaps he’ll have something to say in response to her thoughts now.


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