Library Catalog Cards For Classic Books (IMAGES)

Super Cool Library Catalog Cards For Classic Books (IMAGES)

For many of us, a trip to the library these days involves an efficient search on the branch's site, a hold placed on a hot new release, and a quick pop-in to collect our spoils.

It's great that so many libraries have gone digital -- and some have even gone bookless -- because to remain open, remaining relevant is key. Still, it's hard not to pine for the more quixotic days of dusty shelves and hand-written library catalog cards.

For those of us who romanticize a more tactile library experience, Chronicle Books has created stationary from images of The Library of Congress's original cards for a number of classic authors. The text of each card interestingly matches the mood often evoked when imagining the author's era. Take a look at a few:

William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

cards 1

Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice"

cards 2

Albert Camus's "The Stranger"

cards 3


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