Cardiff Metropolitan University Accused Of Censorship Over 'Gender Neutral' Language Policy

Cardiff Metropolitan University brings in ‘gender neutral’ language policy.

A Welsh university has been accused of censorship after banning the use of terms such as “right-hand man”, “waitress” and “forefathers” on campus in a crackdown on gendered language.

Students and staff at Cardiff Metropolitan University could face “disciplinary procedures” if they fail to adhere to the institution’s language policy, which states that terms such as “mankind”, “housewife” and “man-made” should be avoided.

“In general terms language should always be inclusive,” the document reads, offering a check-list of 34 gender-neutral terms.

Swapping “sportsmanship” for “sense of fair play” and “workmanlike” for “efficient”, students are also advised to use the term “typical citizen” instead of “man in the street”.

Despite the university’s aim to make everyone on campus “feel valued”, Cardiff Met has been accused of attacking free speech and patronising students and staff.

Dr Joanna Williams, academic freedom expert and University of Kent lecturer, told the Telegraph the ban was “unnecessary”.

“The idea that in a university people need to be dictated to in this way is really insulting to students and academics, we should be able to cope with words.

“These words have evolved over a long period of time and they don’t have sexist associations.”

Cardiff Metropolitan University has been accused of censorship over its inclusive language policy
Cardiff Metropolitan University has been accused of censorship over its inclusive language policy
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The policy also dictates that the phrases “homosexual” and “heterosexual” should not be used as they are “laden with the values of a previous time”.

“Referring to ‘same-sex’ and ‘other-sex’ relationships is a good option,” the document reads.

“Nobody likes being lumped together in a group, so try to avoid generalised terms such as ‘the disabled’, ‘the blind’,” it continues.

“’Disabled people’ is preferable to ‘the disabled’ or ‘people with disabilities’ as it emphasises that the people are disabled by a society which doesn’t accommodate them.

“Don’t be too anxious about the use of language, though,” the policy adds.

“Blind people do use terms like ‘see you later’ and being too careful can make conversation difficult for both parties.”

But the document has sparked a backlash from members of the public who say it represents yet another restriction on free speech in higher education.

A study released last month revealed that 94% of universities now censor their students.

A man named Richard Dowling wrote on Twitter: “Yet another case of free speech being stifled on our uni campuses. This is getting silly (and dangerous)!”

Another social media user sarcastically commented that it was nice to see universities “spending money wisely”, while someone else called the policy “another idiotic student clampdown”.

Censorship: An Inclusive View
by Cardiff Metropolitan University

— GreenEyedKink (@greeneyedkink) March 2, 2017

Anyone who makes lists of words that other people can't use should be kept away from power at all costs.

— Sam White (@SamWhiteTky) March 2, 2017

But the university has defended its position, saying that it aims to provide a “positive working environment, free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation”.

A Cardiff Metropolitan spokesperson said: “As part of this approach, the University has a Code of Practice on Using Inclusive Language, which sets out a broad approach to promoting fairness and equality through raising awareness about the effects of potentially discriminatory vocabulary.

“It makes suggestions for the avoidance of inappropriate generalisations and provides some illustrative examples of gender-laden vocabulary with some neutral alternatives – an approach adopted for many years by the British Sociological Association setting out appropriate professional working practice of its members.”

They continued: “Complaints about the excesses of so-called ‘political correctness’ and their impact on organisational cultures are not new.

“For Cardiff Met, though, academic freedom and the celebration of diversity are cornerstones of University life – and are entirely compatible with each other.”

Cardiff Metropolitan University’s gender-neutral checklist:

Best man for the job - Best person for the job

Businessman/woman - Businessperson, manager, executive

Chairman/woman - Chair, chairperson, convenor, head

Charwoman, cleaning lady - Cleaner

Craftsman/woman - Craftsperson, craft worker

Delivery man - Delivery clerk, courier

Dear Sirs - Dear Sir/Madam (or Madam/Sir)

Fireman - Fire-fighter

Forefathers - Ancestors, forebears

Foreman/woman - Supervisor, head juror

Gentleman’s agreement - Unwritten agreement, agreement based on trust

Girls (for adults) - Women

Headmaster/mistress - Headteacher

Housewife - Shopper, consumer, homemaker (depends on context)

Layman - Lay person

Man or mankind - Humanity, humankind, human race, people

Man (verb) e.g man the desk - Operate, staff, work at

Man in the street, common man - Average/ordinary/typical citizen/person - but is there such a person?

Man hour - Work hour, labour time

Man-made - Artificial, manufactured, synthetic

Manpower - Human resources, labour force, staff, personnel, workers, workforce

Miss/ Mrs - Ms unless a specific preference has been stated - though its common not to use titles at all these days

Policeman/woman - Police officer

Right-hand man - Chief assistant

Salesman/girl/woman - Sales assistant/agent/clerk/representative/staff/worker

Spokesman/woman - Spokesperson, representative

Sportsmanship - Fairness, good humour, sense of fair play

Steward/ess - Airline staff, flight attendant, cabin crew

Tax man - Tax officer/inspector

Waitress - Waiter/server

Woman doctor - or feminine forms of nouns e.g actress, poetess - Doctor (actor, poet etc)

Working man, working mother/wife - Wage earner/ taxpayer/worker

Workman - Worker/operative/trades person

Workmanlike - Efficient/proficient/skilful/proficient


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