Catalonia Firefighters Form Human Chain To Protect Voters From Police Amid Referendum Violence

Police have clashed with people while trying to prevent voting.

Firefighters formed a human chain to protect Catalan voters from police as their violent efforts to prevent the independence referendum drew worldwide condemnation.

The world has been stunned by the Spanish Government’s heavyhanded attempt to stop the banned referendum going ahead, with police firing rubber bullets to disperse crowds, dragging peaceful protestors from the ground and smashing glass to access polling booths and seize ballot boxes.

A court declared the vote unlawful and police were out early to stop voting from taking place. More than 460 people have been injured so far.

An early flashpoint was the town of San Julia de Ramis, where Catalonia’s president was expected to vote and where police descended to prevent him.

Firefighters, who had previously pledged to defend the voting in the referendum, formed the chain as police clashed with voters.

Firemen hold the people in front of Spanish Guardia Civil officers outside a polling station in San Julia de Ramis
Firemen hold the people in front of Spanish Guardia Civil officers outside a polling station in San Julia de Ramis
LLUIS GENE via Getty Images
The picture of firefighters resisting police was become one of the standout images of resistance
The picture of firefighters resisting police was become one of the standout images of resistance
LLUIS GENE via Getty Images
LLUIS GENE via Getty Images
LLUIS GENE via Getty Images

Pictures and video quickly became the defining images of the clashes, which have been condemned by figures from Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Gracias a los bomberos por proteger al pueblo catalán de la policía, muy grandes ...#CatalanReferendum

— Lagarder Activista (@lagarder81) October 1, 2017

Spanish firefighters protecting Spanish citizens from Spanish police.

Just think about that.#CatalanReferendum

— Al Rush (@RAF_IFA) October 1, 2017

astonishing images coming from Catalan - here, firefighters form a barrier between the police and voters

— Elena Cresci (@elenacresci) October 1, 2017

On Thursday, firefighters gathered on Barcelona’s Museum of the Catalunya with a banner saying ‘Love Democracy’ to protest the Spanish Government’s resistance to the referendum.

Hundreds of Autonomous Catalan firemen protest in favour of the referendum on Thursday
Hundreds of Autonomous Catalan firemen protest in favour of the referendum on Thursday
NurPhoto via Getty Images

Corbyn called the violence by police “shocking” and said Madrid should act to end it.

Police violence against citizens in #Catalonia is shocking. The Spanish government must act to end it now.

— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) October 1, 2017

Politicians with ties to other separatist movements also condemned the violence.

Scottish First Minister, who fought and lost a referendum campaign over making Scotland independent, said: “Regardless of views on independence, we should all condemn the scenes being witnessed”.

1/2 Increasingly concerned by images from #Catalonia. Regardless of views on independence, we should all condemn the scenes being witnessed

— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) October 1, 2017

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, who is in power in a coalition with Flemish separatists, said: “Violence can never be the answer!”

Violence can never be the answer! We condemn all forms of violence and reaffirm our call for political dialogue #CatalanReferendum #Spain

— Charles Michel (@CharlesMichel) October 1, 2017

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