People Are Getting Emotional About This Major Flaw In The Celebrations Advent Calendar

This was obviously going to happen, guys.

In the Gavin and Stacey episode when Nessa gives everyone Celebrations for Christmas, she sums up a nation’s feelings when Gwen gets the Bounty.

“You’ve drawn the short straw there,” says Nessa.” I’m not gonna lie to you.”

Everyone knows that Bounty is an unpopular choice. So it’s hardly surprising that people have been left dissatisfied with Mars’ decision to put the coconut chocolate treat behind the first door of its advent calendar this year.

Although if customers had thought about it, the obvious flaw of picking a Celebrations calendar is this was bound to happen sooner or later.

People have taken to Twitter to express their outrage. “December is cancelled,” said one, while someone else spluttered: “Furious doesn’t even cover it”.

Another one simply asked: “Do they hate happiness?”

so there’s me feeling all funky with a celebrations advent calendar since we always just get normal Cadbury’s ones, open the first door to see a fucking BOUNTY. December is cancelled .

— kirsten (@kirstenbowie) December 1, 2018

Opened the first window of my celebrations advent calendar and got bounty... December’s off to a “good” start🙄🤣

— 𝑀𝒾𝒶🖤 (@miabuxton) December 1, 2018

Day one of my celebrations advent calendar and it’s a fucking bounty bar. Furious doesn’t cover it.

— Sam (@phantxmfear) December 1, 2018

First chocolate out of my Celebration’s advent calendar was a bounty. A FLIPPIN’ BOUNTY! LIVID!

— Shaun Wilson. (@shaunywils) December 2, 2018

DAY 1 of my celebrations advent calendar and it's only a fucking BOUNTY

— Miranda (@mirandajewelll) December 1, 2018

Ma mum got me a celebrations advent calendar was buzzing to open it, open the first door and it’s a stinkin fuckin bounty in it🙄 no thanks😑

— Abbie Anderson❥ (@AbzAndersonx) December 1, 2018

Imagine opening your celebrations advent calander on day 1,2 and 3 and them all being bountys? Is this some sort of joke @MarsGlobal tell you what I'm not fucking celebrating

— Becca T (@BeccaTthatsme) December 3, 2018

What a joke.... got a celebrations advent calendar, opened number one and it’s a bloody bounty! 🤬

— Jay (@jayvnrx) December 1, 2018

Run down the stairs to open my Celebrations advent calendar full of excitement and festive cheer, hoping for a malteasers teaser or galaxy and it's a fucking BOUNTY #AdventCalendar #ChristmasIsCancelled

— George (@george_dredge) December 1, 2018

A Celebrations advent calendar and day 1 is a Bounty.

A fucking Bounty!!!

Do they hate happiness?!!

At least it can only get better. Maybe that's the logic.#Christmas #advent #adventcalendar #chocolate

— Cooking With Grief Podcast (@CookinWithGrief) December 1, 2018

The next day didn’t get any better for some people – with the second door on the advent calendar opening up to a mini Snickers.

Number 2 in my Celebrations Advent Calendar is a Snickers and honestly at this point it's just a cruel joke

— Danny 🙃🤙 (@DannysLifestyle) December 2, 2018

I love my bf for surprising me with a Celebrations advent calendar, but Day1 = Bounty?! Day 2 = Snickers?!?! Hoping that’s the worst ones over and done with!!

— Hannah 🌸 (@RichardsonHan) December 2, 2018

We only hope today got better for everyone – although according to The Sun, you’re going to have to wait until 11 December for a Galaxy.

Hope it was worth it.
