'Celebrity Big Brother': Amanda Barrie Faces Backlash After Defending Ann Widdecombe's Anti-LGBT+ Views

The former 'Coronation Street' star is in a same sex marriage.

Amanda Barrie has angered ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ viewers by dismissing Ann Widdecombe’s anti-LBGT+ views during a row with Shane Jenek.

Former ‘Coronation Street’ star Amanda, who is in a same-sex marriage, accused Shane (aka drag artist Courtney Act) of believing he was “a platform for LGBT rights” as they clashed over the former Tory MP on Sunday (29 January) night’s episode.

Shane questioned Amanda’s friendship with Ann given how she voted against all pieces of pro-LGBT+ legislation during her time in parliament, and has also made a number of problematic comments in the house.

Amanda Barrie and Shane Jenek rowed over Ann Widdecombe
Amanda Barrie and Shane Jenek rowed over Ann Widdecombe

Amanda hit back, telling Shane: “I get along with her and I’m in a civil partnership. You think you’re a platform for LGBT rights!

“This is all mirror talk. You have your opinions and when you meet other people with strong opinions, you have a mirror reaction.”

Shane replied: “The difference is I’m not dictating the way anyone should live.”

“She’s not dictating, for God’s sake,” Amanda continued. “Look at how she’s behaved, she’s not dictating, she’s made no difference at all.”

Ann Widdecombe voted against all pieces of LGBT+ legislation during her time as an MP
Ann Widdecombe voted against all pieces of LGBT+ legislation during her time as an MP
Channel 5

Shane responded: “Well to be fair, in 23 years of parliament, she voted against every piece of pro-LGBT legislation, which is your rights as a human being.”

Amanda said: “It’s not my rights, it doesn’t affect me at all. I’m married! What are you talking about?”

Remember Shane J @CourtneyAct's wardrobe malfunction on launch night? @amandabarrie11 hasn't forgotten it... and she's got something to say! 😡😵 #CBB pic.twitter.com/VeVO268PC7

— Big Brother UK (@bbuk) January 28, 2018

After Shane pointed out Amanda would not have had those rights if it were for people like Ann, the actress hit back: “I’ve been like this since I was born and when we got married we didn’t ask for anybody’s acceptance and every single person has taken it for who we are. And it’s not all about gay rights.”

Shane J continued: “I agree with that, I think a woman should have the right to say what happens to her body but Ann doesn’t think that a woman does – she doesn’t agree with abortion.”

Tiring of the argument, Amanda stormed off to the bedroom to tell Ann about what had happened.

The row sparked much conversation on social media, with many frustrated with Amanda for not seeing how Ann had tried to impinge her rights as an LGBT+ woman:

I hate to say it, but I am SO disappointed in Wayne & Amanda. They should know better. Pleading ignorance is NOT good enough.
Ann does not need defending... SHE VOTED AGAINST YOUR RIGHTS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! #CBB 🤦🏽♂️

— Ranj Singh (@DrRanj) January 28, 2018

Disappointed by Amanda. She is missing the point - left to her pal Ann, she wouldn’t have an officially recognised civil partnership... #cbb

— Jo Hemmings (@TVpsychologist) January 28, 2018

I think it's unfortunate Amanda has decided to take the position she has. It's very much "well I'm alright so fuck the rest of you." And I think Shane J is entitled to feel riled up after weeks of Ann tutting and rolling her eyes simply cos he has the audacity to be himself #CBB

— David ✨ (@d_cshn) January 28, 2018

Sorry Amanda, just because you got your wedding and you’re fine ‘not talking about it’... Thousands of LGBTQ people suffered because of people like Ann in British politics, and she most definitely has blood on her hands #CBB

— Tom Knight (@TJ_Knight) January 28, 2018

Sorry Amanda and Wayne, but Shane J has EVERY RIGHT to want to take Ann on about her disgusting views. And the fact that they aren't as LGBT people disappoints me greatly. 😤😤👎👎 #CBBShaneJ #CBB

— Siobhan #WeLoveDom (@slinehan1) January 28, 2018

Amanda is actually worse than Ann in some ways, because she is part of the LGBT community, and is supporting homophobia and Ann. #CBB

— Stephen (@STJ_95) January 28, 2018

Ann doesn't think Amanda's marriage to a woman is valid and shouldn't be permitted but Amanda thinks the sun shines out of her arse and bashes her LGBT ally Shane J what drugs is she on??? #CBB

— 🍑🍆 (@fuckoffscott) January 28, 2018

@bbuk what a disappointment Amanda Barrie is proving to be with her devoted support of the bigot Ann Widdecombe Just because someone is older than 60 doesn't give them a free pass to be offesive to others Does age ever excuse anyone for racist or homophobic views...NO! #GetRealAB

— Gary Webster (@RealGaryWebster) January 28, 2018

I am so disappointed in Amanda right now. And if Ann wins I will SPIT FEATHERS. #CBB

— Catriona Wightman (@catrionaw890) January 28, 2018

Amanda don't you have a go at Shane J! SHUT UP! Shane is 100% right to bring Ann's views to attention and question them! That's how people learn! Amanda is wrong to try and bury her opinions just because Ann's her friend! 😤😤👎👎 #CBB x pic.twitter.com/GrjeSaN1JK

— Siobhan #WeLoveDom (@slinehan1) January 28, 2018

I'm really disappointed in Amanda; a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. And Wayne to an extent. What Shane J is doing isn't unwarranted - Anne is being disgustingly bigoted on national TV, and these baby boomers in the house are letting it slide. Shane conducts himself with grace!

— Alex 🦒 (@AlexWJSimpson) January 28, 2018

Why are Wayne and Amanda acting like Shane J is a bad person for wanting to spread a positive message to people???? #CBB

— hawkguy | #CBBShaneJ (@wiikedone) January 28, 2018

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ fans have previously branded Ann “homophobic” over some of her comments in the house, calling for her to be reprimanded when she branded the prospect of a romance between Shane and Andrew Brady “disgusting”.

She also clashed with Shane on the topic of same sex-marriage.

“You call it marriage equality, I call it the re-definition of marriage,” she said.

“A marriage is a civil institution that is defined by parliament – if people want to change that I’ve got to be persuaded that its a good idea and I’m not.”

She added: “It’s not just a word, it’s an institution set up for the stability of society which has been with us for centuries. Marriage is a man and a woman.”

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ continues on Monday at 9pm on Channel 5.


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