'Celebrity Big Brother' Fans Call For Ann Widdecombe To Be Reprimanded After Branding Prospect Of Gay House Romance 'Disgusting'

'She shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.'

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ bosses are facing calls to reprimand Ann Widdecombe over a “homophobic” remark she made to Shane Jenek and Andrew Brady.

The former Tory MP caused outrage when she branded the prospect of a romance between them “disgusting”.

The two men, who have forged a bromance in the house, were seen joking about the nature of their relationship on Monday (23 January) night’s show.

Ann Widdecombe has caused controversy again on 'Celebrity Big Brother'
Ann Widdecombe has caused controversy again on 'Celebrity Big Brother'
Channel 5

Making reference to Ann voting against gay marriage during her time as an MP, Shane joked as he hugged Andrew: “You might not respect our marriage Ann, but you have to recognise our love!”

“Don’t be disgusting,” she snapped back.

“Disgusting?” Shane questioned, before conversation in the room changed to another topic, with Ann escaping having to explain herself.

Andrew Brady and Shane Jenek (aka Courtney Act) have become close in the house
Andrew Brady and Shane Jenek (aka Courtney Act) have become close in the house
Channel 5

While Shane - better known as drag artist Courtney Act - was not seen following up with Ann on the matter, viewers believed she should face consequences from Big Brother:

She’s horrible she has such draconian views she needs to be removed from the house if that was anyone else they would be #CBB it’s time for Ann & her homophobia to be evicted

— Jo-Jo (@joannedriver00) January 22, 2018

Ann is homophobic trash!! I thought they removed people for trash views?!? #cbb

— D (@holyspearits) January 23, 2018

@Rylan @EmmaWillis @channel5_tv As a gay man who remembers the horror of homophobia in the UK in the 80s/90s when Ann Widdecombe was an MP, am amazed you've allowed her comments now we are 2018. Hope to see her reprimanded. Ann & her views are disgusting, love never is.

— Kristian (@vegannortherner) January 23, 2018

If anyone else showed such a homophobic attitude as Ann they'd likely get kicked out. She shouldn't be allowed to get away with it, sets a bad example #cbb #cbbuk

— Roger Smith (@RogerSmith0909) January 22, 2018

@bbuk anyone else think Ann's views on two men being in love 'Disgusting!' Was homophobic and offensive? You could see by Shane J's face he was gobsmacked! #CBBUK should be giving Ann a warning for her homophobic views. Well done to Shane for not retaliating.

— Katie 312 (@katie312) January 23, 2018

Jade says Shilpa Popadom and is the most hated woman in the country. Ann says gay people are disgusting and is getting the highest votes to save 🤯 WAKE UP UK public. She is not a nice old granny she is a disgrace and shouldn’t be in there getting such a nice edit #CBB 😷

— Nadia Essex (@LadyNadiaEssex) January 22, 2018

@bbuk Please can you explain why Ann's homophobia is being tolerated by Big Brother? #CBB @Ofcom

— Vanessa Taylor (@nessietaylor) January 23, 2018

#cbb funny how ann has been blatantly homophobic this ep and yet will prob not get a warning

— emily (@supernaturee) January 22, 2018

Can i ask why ann is being allowed to constantly be rude and totally disrespectful to shane j and andrew and to be homophobic when if anyone else said the things she did they would be warned ? Its not ok @bbuk

— Tracey L Dempsey (@TraceyLDempsey1) January 23, 2018

i think #cbbshanej and #cbbandrew were hurt by ann's "disgust" comment and understandably so. she should be called up on it by big brother tbh. they usually give housemates warnings for homophobia, so not sure why the witch is getting away with this.

— lu ✧ (@kingsunggyu) January 22, 2018

A ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ spokesperson would not confirm if Ann had been reprimanded over the situation, but did tell HuffPost UK: “Big Brother constantly monitors the behaviour and conduct of housemates and intervenes where appropriate. Not all interventions are included in broadcasts.”

Ann - who voted against all pieces of pro-LGBT+ legislation during her time in parliament and has also voiced support for so-called gay cure therapy - previously clashed with Shane on the topic of same sex-marriage.

“You call it marriage equality, I call it the re-definition of marriage,” she said.

“A marriage is a civil institution that is defined by parliament – if people want to change that I’ve got to be persuaded that its a good idea and I’m not.”

She added: “It’s not just a word, it’s an institution set up for the stability of society which has been with us for centuries. Marriage is a man and a woman.”

Ann’s latest comments come just days after viewers accused John Barnes of airing “homophobic” views while speaking about Shane and Andrew’s relationship.

Meanwhile, Shane, who identifies as pansexual, and Andrew, who identifies as straight, have insisted they are just friends.

The pair have set tongues wagging in the house in recent days with their flirtatious behaviour, but during a conversation on Monday’s show, they both seemed clear on where they stood with one another.

“The perception in here of what we are may be different to what we think it is,” Andrew said. “But for me it’s a friendship, and I admire that, it doesn’t matter if my best mate is a boy and we cwtch.”

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ continues on Tuesday at 9pm on Channel 5.


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