11 Of Celebrity Gogglebox's Funniest Moments This Week – From Denise Van Outen's 'Fluffy Bits' To Shaun Ryder vs An iPhone


There is no denying Gogglebox has been one of the shows that has helped us all get through lockdown.

Whether its been Jenny and Lee’s banter or Giles and Mary’s musings, the cast kept us entertained every Friday night for the weeks we were all stuck indoors.

And now that the celebrities are getting their turn to give their take on the week’s TV, things are no different, with many famous faces making us laugh out loud.

From Denise Van Outen’s “fluffy bits” to Shaun Ryder’s encounter with an iPhone, here’s 11 of this week’s funniest moments...

1. Rylan just getting up off the sofa as his mum was telling a story and saying: “Oh my God, I’m bored.”

2. Mo and Babatunde’s wine chat

Wine Club with @MoTheComedian and @BabatundeComedy 🍷🍷🍷 #CelebrityGogglebox pic.twitter.com/bd2cZbeYvr

— C4 Gogglebox (@C4Gogglebox) July 10, 2020

3. Denise’s constant stream of innuendo, asking her partner Eddie this after watching Super Vet

We all like a happy ending @denise_vanouten #Supervet #CelebrityGogglebox pic.twitter.com/tLvwpLNaSo

— C4 Gogglebox (@C4Gogglebox) July 10, 2020

4... and chatting about her “fluffy bits” (on her slippers, of course)

The things you notice during lockdown… @denise_vanouten #CelebrityGogglebox pic.twitter.com/7gPrUQlYr8

— C4 Gogglebox (@C4Gogglebox) July 10, 2020

5. Martin recalling the time he first heard Roman swearing as a kid

Like father like son @realmartinkemp @romankemp #CelebrityGogglebox pic.twitter.com/LbzZ4EzST8

— C4 Gogglebox (@C4Gogglebox) July 10, 2020

6. Laura paying Ian this very backhanded compliment

Quite handsome. In a non-conventional way. @GordonRamsay @IainDoesJokes @thewhitmore #CelebrityGogglebox pic.twitter.com/jV4oJt19ku

— C4 Gogglebox (@C4Gogglebox) July 10, 2020

7. Giles showcasing why he’d be the perfect fit for a Grease sequel

Still got it 🕺 @GylesB1 #Grease #CelebrityGogglebox pic.twitter.com/KaGRpPWp57

— C4 Gogglebox (@C4Gogglebox) July 10, 2020

8. While Roman also believed he’d found a hidden meaning in the film

Took her bowling. In the arcade. #Grease #CelebrityGogglebox pic.twitter.com/fzXiqM1nQn

— C4 Gogglebox (@C4Gogglebox) July 10, 2020

9. He also had some musings about Matt Hancock, which you can just imagine are true

Do you like a shandy? @MattHancock #CelebrityGogglebox pic.twitter.com/jiDeguZLQx

— C4 Gogglebox (@C4Gogglebox) July 10, 2020

10. Linda giving Rylan this telling off

Stop scratching @Rylan #CelebrityGogglebox pic.twitter.com/oXVrjBMZBZ

— C4 Gogglebox (@C4Gogglebox) July 10, 2020

11. And last, but by no means least, there was Shaun and Bez vs the iPhone

Please turn your phone off the programme is about to start @officialswr #CelebrityGogglebox pic.twitter.com/RGlD9sRcZg

— C4 Gogglebox (@C4Gogglebox) July 10, 2020

Celebrity Gogglebox airs Fridays at 9pm on Channel 4.


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