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I remember the first time I ever tried to cook something other than toast. I had no idea what I was doing, my chopping was disastrous and everything ended up a little charred. It’s safe to say the dish was a mess (and so was I, for that matter).
A few years on, I can safely say that I’m a confident (and fairly competent) cook, able to try my hand at most dishes. As part of my cooking journey, and in a bid to bolster and hone my cooking skills, I’ve tried and tested a hell of a lot of kitchen gadgets, tools and tech. And let me tell you, a lot of tools aren’t worth even trying.
That being said, while some tools really aren’t worth the cost – all they do is clutter up your kitchen – others are total lifesavers that I literally couldn’t cook without.
To give you an insight into the must-haves that really will enhance your cooking experience, I’ve rounded up a few game-changing best buys.