Yup, despite us always shunning cheese before bedtime, it turns out that the popular food is actually really good at helping us get a good night’s sleep.
According to YorkTest nutritionist, Sal Hanvey, certain cheeses can in fact make you drowsy and ready to fall into bed.
Dairy, particularly cheese, is often avoided by many Brits before bed to stop vivid dreams. But whether you believe the myth or not, consuming the following products before bedtime can actually help to make you sleepy and more relaxed.
One study by the British Cheese Board found that 75% of people actually slept quite well after eating a 3-ounce piece of cheese before bedtime.
Dairy-based products that can help to boost your sleep score include:
Cottage cheese
Low-fat cheeses
And it’s not just dairy – according to the sleep expert, there’s a whole host of foods that we should be scoffing in the run up to bedtime in order to bag ourselves a better night’s sleep.
Cherries can lead to a long night of rest
Hanvey explains that plant-based foods are filled with key nutrients and melatonin (sleepy hormone), which controls your body’s sleep-wake cycle. They’re beneficial for sleep because they regulate your sleep pattern, improving its quality and quantity.
Look to incorporate these certain foods into your diet to build a good night’s sleep:
Bananas are especially good to add to your diet to enhance your sleeping journey and are packed with Vitamin B6, potassium and magnesium which help to relax overstressed muscles.
Supercharge sleep with rice and salmon
Seafood and grains are full of Omega 3, which may help to lower anxiety (excuse us while we stock up ASAP), not only making it easier to drift off once your head hits the pillow, but could also improve your daytime performance and focus too.
Oats are a prime source of Omega 3 with a healthy level of fatty acids, whether you add them to porridge, in a smoothie or in a flapjack.
Other foods rich in Omega 3 that help you to doze off:
When should I eat before bed?
Hanvey says that creating the right environment to sleep in is just as important as the types of food that you eat. Having dinner just before bed might feel like a good idea at the time if that’s when you’re hungriest, but it takes an average of 3 hours for food to digest, which will leave you feeling more relaxed over time.