Cheryl And Oti Mabuse Clarify Claims Of 'The Greatest Dancer' On-Set Feud

The BBC has said there is "absolutely no truth" to the latest reports about the pair.

As predictably as night follows day, Cheryl Tweedy has been forced to speak out about an on-set feud with her fellow ‘The Greatest Dancer’ star Oti Mabuse.

In the latest in a long line of negative articles about Cheryl, The Sun ran a story on Monday suggesting she and ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ pro Oti had a “frosty relationship”, claiming there was an “atmosphere” between them on set.

Cheryl at the press launch of 'The Greatest Dancer'
Cheryl at the press launch of 'The Greatest Dancer'
Tabatha Fireman via Getty Images

However, Cheryl has now said this is far from the case, with a rep for the singer insisting she ”absolutely loves working with Oti and has a brilliant relationship with her”.

Oti herself added: “I love Cheryl and had a great time filming The Greatest Dancer with her and I can’t wait to see her again soon.”

Oti Mabuse
Oti Mabuse
Tabatha Fireman via Getty Images

And topping it all off, a BBC spokesperson said: “Both Cheryl and Oti have a great relationship and this comes across on screen. There is absolutely no truth to any suggestion they don’t get on.”

Oti later posted a more lengthy statement on her Instagram page, along with a photo of herself and Cheryl hugging.

Earlier this year, both Cheryl and Oti were confirmed to be dance captains on the new BBC dance show ‘The Greatest Dancer’, on which ‘X Factor’ boss Simon Cowell serves as an executive producer.

Last week, the BBC set the record straight over a story also published by The Sun, claiming that Cheryl was being “sidelined” by producers, who favoured Oti over her.

She wrote: “I let a lot of things lie but the sheer level of unbalanced negativity towards me in the tabloid press these past few days has been frankly shocking and I need to address it. This level of relentless abuse should not be tolerated in any walk of life.”

‘The Greatest Dancer’ will air on BBC One in January.


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