Chocolate Milk Recipe: How To Make Your Own

The joys of chocolate milk need not be explained, but we're happy to explain them anyway.

The joys of chocolate milk need not be explained, but we're happy to explain them anyway: It's sweet, thirst-quenching and surprisingly nutritious. Still, the store-bought stuff is full of corn syrup and other unappetizing ingredients. An easy solution to this dilemma? Make your own, of course!

I Am Mommy has a simple recipe for homemade chocolate milk that involves only four ingredients: cocoa powder, sugar, vanilla, and of course, milk. She recommends Lake Champlain Organic Cocoa.

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As I Am Baker explains, homemade chocolate milk can be adapted to fit any diet, including a lactose intolerant one:

Want all organic? Simply choose organic ingredients! Need dairy free? Try almond milk. Want gluten free? Try raw sugar, natural dark cocoa powder (not cocoa mixes), and pure vanilla extract. If you want sugar free try replacing the sugar with liquid Stevia.

It sure beats the powdery chocolate milk mixes, and the store-bought chocolate milks don't even come close.

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