WISE WORDS: Comedian Chris Ramsey Finds A New Home On Comedy Central

"My wife says, 'Here's Tour Chris.'"

For the latest in our WISE WORDS interview series - where stars from a whole range of fields share the important life lessons they’ve learned along the way - we’re posing some of the big questions to CHRIS RAMSEY.

After honing his comedy in open-mic nights in Newcastle, Chris Ramsey was nominated for an Edinburgh Comedy Award in 2012.

His show ‘Offermation’ was recorded for Radio 4, and he turned his hand to acting in BBC Two sitcom ‘Hebburn’, based near his own South Shields hometown.

One of the new presenters of 2016’s ‘I’m A Celebrity: Extra Camp’, Chris is now hosting his own self-titled show on Comedy Central.

He sat down with HuffPostUK to ponder some of his lessons learnt so far…

What do you do to switch off?
If I’ve been on tour, train, cars and social media, I literally turn my phone to silent, put it face down or in a drawer. The longest I can last i for two days, but I do enjoy it.

How do you deal with any negativity that comes your way?
If it comes in a work sense, on Twitter, then that’s fair enough. I don’t get much trolling, I’ve been lucky. But if my wife is ever negative, that comes as a big slap, because she’s normally so positive. She reminds me, if I forget, that I have a brilliant life.

When and where are you at your happiest?
Home. In my house with my family. I have a 13-month-old son, so it’s impossible not to be busy. Cup of tea, fire on. Bliss.

What’s been the best piece of advice you’ve received?
It came from comedian Simon Munnery. He said about having a career in stand-up, it’s not a race, it’s a dance. Don’t look at what other people are doing, concentrate on your own stuff.

What’s been the hardest lesson you’ve had to learn along the way?
Being patient, the value of keeping your head down and ploughing on. Plus, I’ve always managed to scive out of jobs, and now I’ve realised the job is mine.

What would you like to be able to tell your 13-year-old self?
Don’t waste time doing whatever it is other people say.

What three things are at the top of your wish list?
Learn a foreign language; meet Billy Connolly; have a shower.

What do you think happens when we die?
I think about this so much, and I’m still stumped.

When and where do you feel in the presence of something larger than ourselves?
I was flying back from Dubai, flying over Iran, looked out of the window, it was the most incredible view, white and blue pools, with mountains. It made me feel very small.

What quality do you most treasure in your relationships?
Positivity, kindness and good humour.

What keeps you grounded?
My wife and my family. Home life. If I ever came back from tour with attitude, they wouldn’t have it. My wife says, ‘Here’s Tour Chris.’

What was the most recent act of kindness you received?
This morning. I was ordering something online, I phoned the call centre and the guy gave me a huge discount and free postage, and I quote “because it’s Christmas”.

‘The Chris Ramsey Show’ is on Wednesdays at 10pm on Comedy Central UK.


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