It must really pug these guys when they don't catch the treats.
Christian Vieler, a 45-year-old photographer from Waltrop, Germany, has been shooting fun photos of dogs for the past three years. He initially got into pup portraiture completely by accident: He bought a camera in 2012, and wasn’t quite sure how to use it, so, he shot a picture of a dog to figure it out.
“I took my first [photo of a dog] as a simple flashlight and shutter speed test in my studio,” Vieler told The Huffington Post. “But after I got the first funny results, I started asking every client that came to my studio with a dog if I could shoot them.”

He then started uploading the images to a Facebook page he called “Fotos Frei Schnauze.” The page eventually garnered more than 50,000 followers, who all begged for more pup photos.

These portraits of dogs trying to catch treats capture a plethora of precious puppy emotions. For instance, some dogs appear shocked or confused. Others seem joyous or sad. Then there are the hilarious few that seem so nonchalant about the snack shooting towards their snout, that they completely miss it.
“Every second dog isn't able to catch treats,” Vieler said.

And why does Vieler think that dogs are the perfect subjects to shoot?
“Dogs never complain about a bad session,” he said. “They don't even seem to mind as long as treats keep coming.”

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