Christopher Plummer Remembered By Julie Andrews As Sound Of Music Co-Star Leads Tributes

Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway are among the other Hollywood figures who have honoured the Canadian actor online.

Dame Julie Andrews has led tributes to her Sound Of Music co-star Christopher Plummer, following his death.

The Canadian actor died at this home in Connecticut on Friday at the age of 91.

Following news of his death, Julie – who starred opposite Christopher in the beloved 1965 musical – hailed him a as “consummate actor” and a “cherished friend”.

Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews
Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews
Jason LaVeris via Getty Images

In a statement to the PA news agency, she added: “I treasure the memories of our work together and all the humour and fun we shared through the years.

“My heart and condolences go out to his lovely wife Elaine and his daughter Amanda.”

Christopher played stern widower Captain von Trapp in The Sound Of Music, and was later dismissive of the film despite its success, calling his role “a cardboard figure, humourless and one-dimensional”.

It took him four decades to change his view of the film and embrace it as a “terrific movie” that made him proud.

Russell Crowe, Christopher’s co-star in The Insider and A Beautiful Mind, was among the other Hollywood figures who paid tribute.

Russell Crowe
Russell Crowe
ANGELA WEISS via Getty Images

He shared a Twitter thread recalling a story Christopher had told him about being a young actor in 1960s London and bumping into Peter Finch, the Oscar-winning star of 1976 drama Network.

Christopher had recently started dating a young woman and former partner of Peter’s, who had arrived at a party in Chelsea in a “very confrontational mood”.

After Peter followed them around “making disparaging remarks”, the woman insisted she and Plummer leave. However, Peter followed them into the car and “kept up a torrent of abuse from the back seat”.

Eventually, according to Russell, the woman kicked them both out. Christopher is said to have been “chilled with fear” at being left alone with Peter, who had “threatened him with physical violence a number of times”.

However, Russell said: “In an instant the red anger left his (Peter’s) face, and the piercing knives of his eyes resolved into something impish and charming… ‘Thank f*** we got rid of her’ he bellowed mellifluously, echoing off the empty street, then whispered ‘let’s find a drink’. They became friends.”

Christopher Plummer ...
I worked with him twice.
The Insider (1999)
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
Good man. Fine actor.
We were sitting on the set of ABM one day and for some reason we started talking about the movie Network.
Particularly the performances of Peter Finch and Ned Beatty

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

He told me that in the London theatre world of the 60’s that Finch had a fearsome reputation.
He’d come to the west end from Australia and had brought with him a certain inability to suffer fools combined with a deep unquenchable thirst the moment the curtain came down.

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

Chris was out an actors party with a young lady he had just started seeing. Somewhere far down The Kings Road in Chelsea.
She had recently broken up with Finch . Peter arrived looking for her and he was in a very confrontational mood.

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

Finch followed the couple around the party making disparaging remarks and eventually the young woman had enough and said to Chris that they should leave. Not a lot of black cabs at that end of Chelsea late on a Sunday night, luckily though the young lady had her own car.

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

They left the party. Chris somewhat relieved. As they sat into her car and readied to drive off, the back door opened and Finch jumped in. Take me back to Soho he bellowed, “ there’s no cabs”. Thinking acquiescence better than confrontation at this point, off they drove.

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

The journey underway Peter kept up a torrent of abuse from the back seat. About him, about her, about trust, truth, love, sex, was non stop.
At one point, somewhere near Sloan Square the young lady pulled the car to the side of the road and ordered both men to get out

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

Both ? Asked Christopher. Yes, both of you.
They got out of the car and she sped off down the street without looking back.
So here was Christopher, the young Canadian just beginning his career and Finch, drunken, aggressive, boorish, actorly genius under lamplight. Alone...

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

Chris told me he was chilled with fear. Peter had threatened him with physical violence a number of times and he felt for sure he was about to suffer a beating at the hands of someone who’s performances he had admired greatly. Too cruel. Finch turned to him, eye ablaze ...

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

In an instant the red anger left his face, and the piercing knives of his eyes resolved into something impish and charming...
“ Thank fuck we got rid of her” he bellowed mellifluously, echoing off the empty street, then whispered “ let’s find a drink.”
They became friends.

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

I loved working with Chris on The Insider, he was just impressive. It was a travesty that his role didn’t receive an Academy Award nomination because everyone talked about and knew that it was amongst the handful of truly formidable performances that year.

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

We worked together again on A Beautiful Mind. Occasionally we would spend time together after work.
He preferred one on one , a good drink, not just any drink.
I appreciated his candour and wisdom.
As Actors do though, in the big circles we swing around, we fell out of touch

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

I reached out to him in 2012 after he won the Academy Award to say “ on behalf of Finch and I, welcome to the club”.
He laughed.

Rest In Peace Mr Plummer.
Good man. Fine actor.

— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 5, 2021

Recalling his time working with Christopher, Russell added: “Occasionally we would spend time together after work. He preferred one on one, a good drink, not just any drink. I appreciated his candour and wisdom. As Actors do though, in the big circles we swing around, we fell out of touch.

“I reached out to him in 2012 after he won the Academy Award to say ‘on behalf of Finch and I, welcome to the club’. He laughed. Rest In Peace Mr Plummer. Good man. Fine actor.”

Anne Hathaway, who appeared alongside Christopher in a 2002 adaptation of Charles Dickens’ Nicholas Nickleby, said he was “calm, steady, generous, and so, so funny”.

In her tribute, she recalled how he was on hand to present her with her Academy Award for 2012’s Les Miserables.

She wrote on Instagram: “It felt so special when it was you who handed me my Oscar a decade later. I was still the one shaking in my shoes; somehow you were still keeping me steady just with your formidable, warm, loving presence.”

Anne added “I hope you felt all the love you created.”

Director Sir Ridley Scott, who worked with Christopher in All The Money In The World, said: “What a guy. What a talent. What a life.”

A number of other Hollywood stars including Kathy Bates and Williams Shatner paid tribute online...

#ChristopherPlummer. I had the pleasure of working with Christopher and crossing swords with him in Dolores Claiborne. A true craftsman. One of the greats. A lovely human being. “Good night, sweet prince. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”

— Kathy Bates (@MsKathyBates) February 6, 2021

So sad to hear that Christopher Plummer has passed. What a legend.

— Elijah Wood (@elijahwood) February 5, 2021

I remember talking with Christopher Plummer about his film “Beginners.” I’m so glad I had the chance to offer him this toast. Sending love to his family.

— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) February 5, 2021

This is truly heartbreaking. What an unbelievable loss. Few careers have such longevity and impact. One of my favorite memories from Knives Out was playing piano together in the Thrombey house between set ups. He was a lovely man and a legendary talent. 💙💙💙

— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) February 5, 2021

The Sound of Music is a sad one today as Christopher Plummer has left us today. He was giant of stage and screen, winner of an Academy Award for “Beginners.” He died at age 91 with his wife of 53 years, Elaine Taylor, by his side. Rest in eternal music, Captain Von Trapp.

— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) February 5, 2021

Christopher Plummer... one of the greats. <3

— Joseph Gordon-Levitt (@hitRECordJoe) February 5, 2021

A gentleman whose name is Christopher Plummer died today. He was what I call a friend. What is the definition of a friend? Somebody you know intimately whose every breath and every thought that is so much like yours or can a friend be someone whose life is...

— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) February 5, 2021

Christopher Plummer beguiled audiences across generations in memorable roles from Captain von Trapp in "The Sound of Music" to Harlan Thrombey in "Knives Out." He worked steadily for 60+ years, winning a Best Supporting Actor Oscar in 2012 for "Beginners." He will be missed.

— The Academy (@TheAcademy) February 5, 2021

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