Heterosexual Couple Charles Keidan and Rebecca Steinfeld Lose Civil Partnership Case

They do not wish to get married.

Heterosexual couple Rebecca Steinfeld and Charles Keidan have lost their Court of Appeal battle for the right to enter into a civil partnership.

Rebecca Steinfeld, 35, and Charles Keidan, 40, have said that they wish to have a civil partnership, rather than a marriage, because they believe it “captures the essence of our relationship and values”.

They lost their case by two votes to one in the Court of Appeal on Tuesday.

The couple, who are academics and live in Hammersmith, west London, have argued that the Government’s position on civil partnerships is “incompatible with equality law”.

Speaking outside the court following the verdict, the couple said they were “deeply disappointed” by the outcome.

Steinfeld said that they had lost on a “technicality”, adding that the government was on “borrowed time”.

Charles Keidan and Rebecca Steinfeld have lost their appeal to enter a civil partnership
Charles Keidan and Rebecca Steinfeld have lost their appeal to enter a civil partnership
Nick Ansell/PA Wire

Keidan said that unless they heard from the government on the issue, they would go on to challenge the ruling in the Supreme Court.

He said: “Opening civil partnerships to all is fair, popular and will be good for families and children across the country.

“There are over three million mixed sexed couples who are cohabiting, with two million dependent children. This is the fastest growing family type, but these couples lack legal and financial security.”

He added: “None of us should be denied recognition or protection because marriage isn’t right for us.”

Steinfeld and Keidan have been in a relationship for six years and have a 20-month-old daughter together.

Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell was among those at the Court of Appeal in support of civil partnership equality.

UK Appeal Court today ruled 2 to 1 against equal civil partnerships but said discrimination unsustainable @EqualCPs pic.twitter.com/TR0THgX6wK

— Peter Tatchell (@PeterTatchell) February 21, 2017

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