'Cleaning Up' Viewers Spot Glaring Plot Holes In New Sheridan Smith Drama

This office was certainly not GDPR compliant.

Sheridan Smith’s latest ITV drama ‘Cleaning Up’ has come under fire from some viewers, after they spotted some serious plot holes.

The series focuses on Sheridan’s character, Sam, a single mum who works as a cleaner in a financial office in London’s Canary Wharf.

Struggling with a gambling addiction, she realises she has access to valuable stock market information and sees a way out of her financial problems.

Sheridan Smith plays Sam in 'Cleaning Up'
Sheridan Smith plays Sam in 'Cleaning Up'

The first episode, which aired on Wednesday night, saw Sam accessing data from the office computers, which were surprisingly easy to get into – something that didn’t sit well with certain viewers.

Many pointed out the computers would not have been left unlocked for security reasons, not to mention GDPR laws that would make it illegal for such data to be so carelessly left lying around.

I loved the authenticity of the mother/daughter relationships in #CleaningUp but it’s such a shame that the production was let down by lazy details like unlocked computer screens on the empty trading floor. I don’t need it to be perfect but glaring errors are so distracting.

— Lucy Walker (@walkerluce) January 9, 2019

I loved #CleaningUp but all those unlocked computer screens in the office were really stressing me out!

— Sarah (@StageySarah) January 9, 2019

Looks like this company has never heard of GDPR! Unlocked screens, important stuff on desks #CleaningUp pic.twitter.com/z9tqEaKwZw

— Christopher (@berwickc77) January 9, 2019

#CleaningUp That's what we said..all the screens would be locked..360 security cameras..desks cleared and locked away!

— Andi Too (@AndiToo1) January 9, 2019

All those screens left unlocked overnight 🤷♂️
I get in trouble for leaving mine unlocked for a minute walking away from my desk! Something tells me insider trading isn’t their only problem #CleaningUp

— Warren Wilson (@MrWJWilson) January 9, 2019

Pretty bad security, in that trading firm- unlocked screens, with trading data in view?! #CleaningUp

— #KellyKrushed (@KellyReillyFans) January 9, 2019

this #CleaningUp drama on ITV is shaping up to be an absolute mess, utterly unrealistic from the start 🙄

— Miles Newlove (@MilesNewlove) January 9, 2019

It was also pointed out that offices like the one Sheridan’s character was working in would be fitted with CCTV to prevent such crimes happening in the first place.

The whole no CCTV thing is spoiling it for me! Totally unrealistic #CleaningUp

— PAULY•C (@ipaulyc454) January 9, 2019

#CleaningUp why is she blatant? Why isn't there cctv?

— Laura (@Lauralaunder81) January 9, 2019

are... Are there no cctv cameras??? It's canary wharf??? Where's the security in this shit???? #CleaningUp

— beth (@beth_lewie) January 9, 2019

No CCTV in these offices then? Enjoying the program but that seems like a bit of a major problem. Trading flours even more so will have cameras. You can't just open the ceiling up and install equipment!#CleaningUp

— Crazy Wizdom #FBPE (@crazywizdom) January 9, 2019

This #CleaningUp show is so bad. I mean is there not security or CCTV in this building? Also how is she affording to live in a large house in London with a gambling addiction?

— Tim Saxby (@TimxSaxby) January 9, 2019

On the whole though, people who could suspend belief seemed to enjoy the first episode.

Watched #cleaningUp last night with the hubby sooo good can't wait for the next ep! @Sheridansmith1 amazing as per you go girl ! X

— Grigiogirl (@Geekgirlgaga) January 10, 2019

to be fair... this show is kinda good #CleaningUp

— Mona (@AfterMovieUSA) January 9, 2019

Anything @Sheridansmith1 is in is good. Hooked on #CleaningUp!

— Kane Punyer (@Kano_) January 9, 2019

Omg how good was #CleaningUp absolutely bloody love @Sheridansmith1 addicted after one episode 😍

— Em thfc (@emmaaaa1986) January 9, 2019

#CleaningUp my god how good is this!!!

— simon (@simon47714359) January 9, 2019

Loving #CleaningUp and it's so good to have @Sheridansmith1 back on our screens, so so talented

— Steph O'Hara (@stephohara) January 9, 2019

Gutsy work by #SheridanSmith in #CleaningUp. Good fun premise and excellent performances. Looking forward to next week.

— Ian Freeman #FBPE (@ianfreeman) January 9, 2019

‘Cleaning Up’ continues next Wednesday at 9pm on ITV.


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