CNN Under Fire For Scheduling Donald Trump 'Town Hall' Meeting

The cable network is accused of "committing journalistic suicide" by giving the former president an outlet.

CNN may think hosting a “town hall” meeting with Donald Trump will help its ratings, but it’s leading to low marks with Twitter users.

CNN announced on Monday that the cable network will host the former president at a live town-hall-style meeting in New Hampshire on May 10. CNN said Kaitlan Collins will moderate as Trump takes questions from Republicans and undeclared voters who plan to participate in the state’s Republican presidential primary.

After the event was announced, Twitter users condemned CNN for giving the mendacious former Trump a free, nationwide forum.And they didn’t pull their punches.

BREAKING: CNN is doing a town hall with indicted Donald Trump on May 10, because they’ve learned absolutely nothing. No one should watch this trash.

This is absolutely ludicrous. There is no reason to give the biggest pathological liar in politics a platform to spread his…

— Scott Dworkin (@funder) May 1, 2023

WTF. CNN just announced that it will host Donald Trump for a live town hall in New Hampshire. CNN is giving Donald Trump a free & national platform to spew lies. They’ve learned absolutely nothing & they’re exactly why our media is failing us & our democracy.

— Victor Shi (@Victorshi2020) May 1, 2023

Here it is, @cnn committing journalistic suicide:

If there was ONE consensus about 2024 it was that "covering" Trump the way they did in 2016 (handing him live
blocks of free airtime with no fact-checking possible) was irresponsible

And CNN's doing it

— Keith Olbermann↙️ (@KeithOlbermann) May 1, 2023

First, CNN systematically purged anyone on the network who was deemed too anti-Trump.

Now this.

— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) May 1, 2023

CNN's town hall with Trump will be a sham if it does not lead w/the question "You lead an insurrection against the government of the US, why should any American voter support a candidate who sought to undermine the Constitution, institutions and values he was sworn to uphold?"

— David Rothkopf (@djrothkopf) May 1, 2023

I’m old enough to remember when Donald called CNN the enemy of the people. Chris Licht is giving him a town hall now. Because platforming an insurrectionist on trial for rape accused of 34 felonies is a thing now.

— Barbara Malmet (@B52Malmet) May 1, 2023

BREAKING: CNN is giving Donald Trump a town hall on TV next week.

This is a horrible idea.

Yes, CNN is desperate. But that kind of desperation led MSNBC, Fox News, and every other network to give him BILLIONS in free air time in 2016.

What they should do is force Donald to…

— Trending Liberal (@TrendingLiberal) May 1, 2023

CNN is hosting a Town Hall for Trump? This is what choosing profits over news looks like in action.

— Touré (@Toure) May 1, 2023

Some Twitter users were OK with the Town Hall, but with some caveats.

Of course @CNN should do a town hall with Donald Trump. He’s the leader of the Republican Party & he will be the GOP nominee. Having said that, CNN better ask him real questions, tough questions. You know like, “President Trump, why are you still lying about the 2020 election?”

— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) May 1, 2023

It’s (barely acceptable) for @CNN to interview #Trump, as long as they ask him the toughest possible questions and don’t waste time on audience queries. He’s a traitorous, congenital liar and egomaniacal insurrectionist. CNN must make him regret that he agreed to go on their air.

— howardfineman (@howardfineman) May 1, 2023

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