'Collapsing In Real Time': Tory Support Hits Another Record Low As Election Wipeout Looms

The Conservatives have fallen even further behind Labour with less than two weeks until polling day.
Rishi Sunak appears to be leading the Tories to a record-breaking defeat.
Rishi Sunak appears to be leading the Tories to a record-breaking defeat.
BENJAMIN CREMEL via Getty Images

The Tories are “collapsing in real time” as a new poll shows support for the party has hit another record low less than two weeks before the general election.

The Savanta survey put the Conservatives a massive 23 points behind Labour and only three points ahead of Reform UK.

According to the poll, the Tories are on 19% - 2 points less than a week ago and the party’s lowest level of support with the pollster since Rishi Sunak became leader.

Labour, meanwhile, are up two points to 42%, Reform UK are on 16%, the Lib Dems are on 9% and the Greens are on 9%.

Emma Levin, associate director at Savanta, said the numbers meant Labour “could be on for a truly historic election victory”.

She said: “Our research suggests that we could be watching the collapse of the Conservative Party in real time.

“This is the lowest Conservative vote share ever in a Savanta poll, for the third poll in a row.

“Part of the reason for this is that Reform UK continue to make gains, at their highest level in a Savanta poll since January 2021.

“If Labour’s vote continues to hold up, while Reform UK and the Liberal Democrats eat into Conservative support, Keir Starmer’s party could be on for a truly historic election victory.”

The findings are in line with a series of polls published last week which suggested the Tories could be on course for a historic defeat on July 4.


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