Come Dine With Me's Most Memorable Moments

The Channel 4 dining competition is in its 16th year.

In the 16 (SIXTEEN!) years that Come Dine With Me has been distracting us from our hangovers, there have been plenty of jaw-dropping moments to keep us entertained.

As well as the (often inedible) food, we’ve been treated to blazing rows, sore losers and a host who thought it was acceptable to serve up his main course dressed in nothing but a mankini (it’s not).

Here are our favourite and totally unforgettable moments from the past 45 (!!) series...

There’s been dodgy food

Channel 4
Channel 4

Dodgy kitchen hygiene

People have fallen out

And fallen over

Favourite thing to happen on #comedinewithme ever

— jaketilleyyy🦕 (@jaketilleyyy) June 6, 2017

This host made one of her guests wear a bag over his head because he was “the most unattractive man she’d ever seen”

Come Dine Wit Me
Come Dine Wit Me
Channel 4

No wonder there have been walk-outs

And strops

But in amongst the drama there has still been space for plenty of innuendo


As well as toe-curling scenes

If you can make it through the whole of this Come Dine With Me clip I will personally give you £345,897

— Big Payno (@GaryBlogden) May 10, 2018

Not to mention some questionable table manners

HIGHLY questionable (and in front of Julie Goodyear, too)

And speaking of questionable, there’s also been some dodgy attire...

Channel 4
Come Dine With Me
Come Dine With Me

...and even questionable tables

And boy, have there been some seriously bad losers...

I just realised it's the 1 yr anniversary of the greatest Come Dine With Me moment of all time - if you've never seen it, watch it now

— Luke Bailey (@imbadatlife) January 4, 2017

But most people had a good time

Bon appétit!


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