I actually wrote this blog post a few months ago and never really got around to posting it as it didn't seem that urgent. But a few days ago I was blown away by a realisation made through my Effortless Lifestyle program and I realised my blog post was soooooooo relevant and desperately wanted to share it with you.
At the end of August I had the absolute pleasure of attending one of my all time favourite festivals. The festival takes place in May and August and for the last six years I have not missed one. It's a what you could call a happy go lucky gathering of hippie folk who all descend on a tiny field in Kent, with their vans, tents, kids and dogs for six days of revelry. To some it may appear crazy but to me and so many others it's like coming home.
Imagine a place where no one judges you. Where you are free to wear what you want, eat what you want, drink what you want and indulge in any type of activity (within reason!) without anyone batting an eyelid. A place to smile at those that cross your path. A chance to speak with people you would normally blank in the street. An opportunity to make new friends, and maybe discover a side of you you didn't know existed.
Is this place real you might ask? Yes, trust me it is.
The phrase coming home was bandied around a lot this weekend, by performers and punters alike. But what does coming home mean? To me anyway it means peace. Peace within me. Trust and love. And that's all we are all really looking for isn't it?
To escape society and be somewhere where you can actually just be, is something that most of us dream of. Escaping the confines of what we impose on ourselves, the job, the money, the striving for success, all of these things must be achieved, or must they? Why is society so hard? Why are we all trying to escape?
What would happen if we slung our possessions in our bag and headed for the horizon?
Would the world stop turning?
Would we disappear never to be seen again ?
It's my belief that fear stops us from doing what our heart desires. The fear of failure, rejection and also the fear that maybe just maybe we might succeed and we might actually live the life we are dreaming of. But fear is just a thought followed by an emotion, it's not real. It's an illusion. The only thing standing in our way is us.
If it's possible for six days to say no to fear, to go to a place where fear doesn't exist then surely that must mean that fear isn't real and is something that is imposed on us by the circumstances we live in or by what we believe to be circumstances that stop us from doing what we really want. Mind boggling no?
A few days ago I was talking to my mentor on the phone and we were talking about fear and insecurity. I was speaking about the fear of letting my clients down and losing them, the fear of not being good enough and not achieving what they want me to achieve which is something most of us probably worry about in our jobs on a daily basis. This led us onto the subject of intuition and what it feels like when you are completely at peace with yourself, when things are clicking into place, when there is no mindless chatter, when you just are.
We came to the conclusion that this feeling, this incredible feeling that exists deep within us, is us coming home. When I heard this phrase I knew exactly that what I had experienced at the festival was this. This true me. This me that is free to be just be. Not striving. Not fighting, just at peace. It's an amazing feeling and one that we are all capable of feeling believe it or not.
When I was in London after spending 6 days in a field I was calmer. I wasn't scared. I wouldn't allow myself to be scared. Instead I went with the flow. I accepted every situation that came my way. There were lots of little obstacles (not being paid, losing my bank card, not printing my bus ticket) that I could have let get in my way and ruin my time, but instead I acknowledged them and I let them go. All of the negativity disappeared and instead I was left with this feeling that life is truly beautiful when you say No to Fear and Yes to Love, Acceptance and most of all say Yes to the Flow.
I will not let Fear rule my life.
I've wasted way too much time already allowing that little creature steer my journey and now I breathe a sigh of relief and adopt the rather annoying mantra 'Everything that is coming my way is meant for me... I trust the Universe and I let everything go!'