‘Coronation Street’: Pat Phelan Actor Connor McIntyre Explains Why His Character Had To Die

The villainous Phelan is gone for good.

Connor McIntyre has discussed his ‘Coronation Street’ exit, after shock scenes saw Pat Phelan murdered by Anna Windass on Friday night.

While the resident of Weatherfield will be delighted that Phelan’s reign of terror is over, it does mean saying goodbye to actor Connor, who first joined the soap back in 2013.

RIP Phelan
RIP Phelan
ITV Pictures

Speaking about Phelan being in a body bag for his final scene, Connor has admitted his character had to die.

“The viewers deserve that pay off because love him or hate him, we’ve taken them on a fine year odyssey,” he explained. “We’ve frustrated them, entertained them and delighted them in equal measure so it had to reach a conclusion.”

Friday’s episode saw Nicola Thorpe in danger, though she was saved by Ali Neeson and Rana Nazir, while Michelle Connor was taken hostage by Phelan.

In a twist of fate, he then ended up face-to-face with old nemesis Anna, who stabbed him.

“I also feel it had to be conclusive because it had to square the circle in terms of the Anna story; she had to be involved to put those scales in balance,” Connor added.

Anna got revenge
Anna got revenge
ITV Pictures

“The next baddie, whoever that may be or whatever form that may take, needs to get on with their business instead of it being about whether Phelan is still around.”

Connor’s post-’Corrie’ plans include working in his art studio, The Alamo, and he’s no amateur either, having earned an MA in Contemporary Art Practice from University of Plymouth in 2015.

At Christmas, he’ll be appearing in panto in Manchester playing one of the ugly sisters alongside Les Dennis.


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