How To Claim The £150 Council Tax Rebate (And When It Will Be Paid)

Still waiting on your rebate? Same.
Delmaine Donson via Getty Images

If you live in a home that’s in council tax band A, B, C or D, you have some money coming your way.

In response to rising energy bills, the government has announced that certain households will be paid a council tax rebate to the value of £150 per eligible household.

Energy bills increased by around £700 per year per household from April 1. Meanwhile taxes, food costs and the price of petrol are all increasing.

So the council tax rebate certainly won’t fix the cost of living crisis. But 150 quid is not to be sniffed at, either. Here’s how the rebate system works:

How to claim the £150

If you’re not sure which council tax band you are in, you can check online by entering your postcode on the government’s website here.

You do not have to do anything to claim the £150, your local council should contact you and arrange the payment.

If you live in an eligible property (bands A-D) and you pay your council tax by direct debit, your local council will make the payment directly to your bank account, starting from April 2022. You do not need to do anything in the meantime.

If you live in an eligible property and you do not pay your council tax by direct debit, your local council will contact you from April to arrange a method for paying the rebate. Again, you do not need to do anything in the meantime.

When will the money be paid into my account?

Because the payments are organised by local authorities, payment dates will vary. In some areas, you’ll have a long wait.

Manchester City Council, for example, has reportedly said people who have a direct debit set up will most likely receive the payments by Friday April 22. But Portsmouth City Council has said residents will be contacted throughout May and June, while Bassetlaw District Council has said it could be as late as September.

The current Government guidance states all payments must be made by September 30 2022.

Several councils have asked residents not to contact them regarding payments while they deal with the mass processing – they will contact you.

How will the money appear in my account?

The rebate will be provided as a separate payment, rather than as part of your council tax bill (e.g it will not be deducted from your usual bill). Again, your council should be in touch regarding the details.
