Trinity Mirror In Talks To Buy Express Newspapers - But It Could All Get A Bit Awkward

This could get rather awkward.

Trinity Mirror, a newspaper group with a strong anti-Brexit stance, is in discussion over potentially buying all of Northern and Shell’s publishing assets, including the Daily Express, Daily Star and OK! magazine.

Trinity Mirror owns the Daily Mirror newspaper, which came out strongly in favour of a Remain vote in the 2016 referendum.

Express owner Richard Desmond is looking to sell up
Express owner Richard Desmond is looking to sell up
PA Archive/PA Images

If Express Newspapers owner Richard Desmond sells up, this would mean his exit from the media world, after selling Channel 5 in 2014.

The difference has prompted many to note the difference on editorial stance between the Express and the Mirror on many issues...

On Brexit

The papers' front pages on the eve of Brexit
The papers' front pages on the eve of Brexit
The front pages on the day of the Brexit vote called for opposite votes
The front pages on the day of the Brexit vote called for opposite votes

On the general election

The papers' front pages on election day 2017
The papers' front pages on election day 2017

The refugee crisis

The papers' front pages couldn't have been more different at the height of the refugee crisis
The papers' front pages couldn't have been more different at the height of the refugee crisis

Generally what sort of stories to prioritise...

The Mirror chose to splash on efforts to rescue Brits caught in Hurricane Irma, while the Express chose to prioritise 'ways to keep your brain sharp' in September
The Mirror chose to splash on efforts to rescue Brits caught in Hurricane Irma, while the Express chose to prioritise 'ways to keep your brain sharp' in September
In July the Mirror splashed on a story about the murder of Sarah Payne, while the Express went with one of their famous dementia front pages
In July the Mirror splashed on a story about the murder of Sarah Payne, while the Express went with one of their famous dementia front pages

The publications’ differing editorial standings have prompted many to speculate over what the merger would mean...

Should the Mirror become owner of the express, how will it shape Brexit? Going to be fascinating.

— Jack Bailey (@PoliSciJack) September 8, 2017

Will the Mirror change the slightly right of centre Express stance on Brexit etc. etc.?

— Demimaderek (@Demimaderek) September 8, 2017

Final point for now: how will Labour supporting Mirror and Brexit backing Express live together? Mirror says it won't interfere but.......

— David Bond (@DJBond6873) September 8, 2017

However, an insider told HuffPost UK that they felt it was unlikely that the Express’ editorial stance would change.

They said that the publication would likely be unwilling to risk losing readers, adding “softening the approach would be quite dangerous”.

They added that despite Friday’s news, employees had been advised that there was no certainty that the deal would go ahead.

Some have pointed out that this would be another move towards the consolidation of the UK media.

3/ But now looking to buy the titles outright. A big move in structurally challenged Fleet St, where consolidation is inevitable.

— Amol Rajan (@amolrajanBBC) September 8, 2017

Significant moment for UK national press if this happens - first major consolidation for decades.

— Charlie Beckett (@CharlieBeckett) September 8, 2017

The BBC reported that the Competition Commission could become involved, although the combined readership of the Express and Mirror titles would be up approximately 29% of market share. This is not significantly different to the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday, which are at 23% and 22% respectively.

In a statement, Trinity Mirror said: “The board of Trinity Mirror notes that it is now in discussions to acquire 100% of the publishing assets of Northern & Shell.”

Any deal will have to be approved by Trinity Mirror’s shareholders.


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