Dan Stevens Draws Gasps After Epic Takedown Of Boris Johnson On The One Show

Actor appears on flagship BBC programme to talk about new Richard Nixon series, and then ...

The actor Dan Stevens stunned The One Show viewers after unexpectedly having a jab at Boris Johnson over the partygate affair.

Hosts Alex Jones and Jermaine Jenas weren’t sure what to say when the Downtown Abbey star took aim at the prime minister a day after being issued a fine for breaking his own lockdown rules.

Dan was appearing to promote his new political thriller, Gaslit, about former US president Richard Nixon and the 1970s Watergate scandal.

Alex addressed Stevens about the “extraordinary story”, and asked “what’s the take?”.

Dan replied: “Well, what you’ve got is a criminal for a leader, who is wrapped in a messy war, embroiled in a stupid scandal and surrounded by ambitious idiots, and really should resign... and, erm...”

He then paused, and with faux concern continued: “No, I’m sorry that’s the intro to Boris Johnson.

“I’ve just said the intro to Boris Johnson, I’m so sorry.”

Alex and Jermaine grinned as gasps were heard from the crew.


— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) April 13, 2022

On Twitter, former Labour director of communications Alastair Campbell led the plaudits.

Dan Stevens take a bow … https://t.co/hHjKtAGLGp

— ALASTAIR CAMPBELL (@campbellclaret) April 13, 2022

Dan Stevens elevated to King status.

I mean, he was on the verge just with the moustache, but...

— Jenny Ryan (@jenlion) April 13, 2022

Dan Stevens calling Johnson an idiot on the One Show must've had producers squirming- we love to see it! #JohnsonOut pic.twitter.com/X7yWLLQKDi

— H🐝🦝😷 (@hbadhd) April 13, 2022

Nadine Dorries currently in a cab to Television Centre to give Dan Stevens a slap. "Keep my Prime Minister's name out of your fucking mouth!"

— Jonny Morris (@jonnymorris1973) April 13, 2022

On Tuesday, police fined the prime minister and chancellor Rishi Sunak over a birthday party held for Johnson in No 10 during Covid restrictions in June 2020.

By Wednesday, the PM was facing calls to quit from his own MPs as a justice minister resigned in protest at the scandal.


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