A graphic designer has captured his experience of depression and anxiety in a series of haunting illustrations.
Polish artist Dawid Planeta is sharing his ‘Mini People In The Jungle’ digital images on Tumblr, Facebook and Instagram.
Planeta told HuffPost UK he believes art is “like a window to deep parts of your mind”.
“I started to have problems with anxiety/depression and one day I just made the first picture, that evolved into the next one and then another,” Planeta said.
“It didn’t do them to fight or cope with depression, but after a few pictures I realised that they pretty much picture what is going on in my head and how I feel deep inside, so the pictures helped me in understanding, and understanding can help to solve the problem.
“The pictures I’ve made lately have changed, they are more calm and bright, so I know that something is changing, although I cannot see or observe the change in my life yet.”
(H/T: BoredPanda)