Face the Facts on Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are becoming a hugely popular treatment here in the UK for those looking to fill lines and wrinkles. However, what worries me is the misleading and often incorrect information many people are given about dermal fillers.

Dermal fillers are becoming a hugely popular treatment here in the UK for those looking to fill lines and wrinkles. However, what worries me is the misleading and often incorrect information many people are given about dermal fillers.

I hear from many people who, although happy with the final results, were not consulted with correctly prior to the treatment. This can in turn lead to expectations not being met and some side effects being suffered that they were clueless about. This was emphasised in a recent survey by The Cosmetic Surgery Guide, which revealed 1 in 3 patients who had undergone injectable treatments like fillers and muscle relaxing injections (eg Botox) admitted they had no idea what product was used for their treatment- a worryingly high number.

Compared to many other cosmetic treatments, dermal fillers are extremely safe and do not carry the risks associated with invasive cosmetic surgery. However, as with many procedures, there can be side effects which must always be explained thoroughly to the patient before any procedure or treatment takes place.

One main side effect of dermal fillers, which is almost certain for anyone who has the treatment, is bruising. This occurs when the thin needle pierces the skin and injects the filling. The bruising happens because the healthy blood stream treats the wound- and the broken tissue is being repaired. It should only be very light bruising and it should only last up to 3 days.

Another consequence of fillers that can happen (but is very uncommon) is an allergic reaction to the specific type of filler used- or even to the needle itself. If this happens you will likely see some swelling and maybe redness around the area treated. This usually, again, only lasts a few days before disappearing. While this will not cause any lasting damage, and although rare, is something you should be warned about by your cosmetic nurse, doctor or surgeon.

The lasting effects of dermal fillers depend on the kind of filler used, the patient's skin and the skill of the practitioner performing the treatment. Patients should be reminded that dermal fillers are only temporary treatments but should last between 6 to 9 months. Once the skin's original natural collagen degrades it won't hold the filler under the skin any longer- which is why the treatment would need to be repeated in the future to maintain the look.

A fully qualified practitioner should always fully consult with a patient before agreeing to take care of the individual. Their present state of health and any known allergies have to be taken into consideration to ensure the correct type of filler is chosen.

Any concerns or worries you have should always be discussed before any dermal filler treatment starts, and finding an experienced practitioner will serve you well on your journey. You can find more information and impartial advice on injectables here.
